Verified News is a Web3 decentralized application (dApp) that aims to restore trust in news articles. By leveraging blockchain technology and a community of professional journalists, we ensure that the news published on our platform is authentic, unbiased, and credible.
The workflow of Verified News is as follows:
Journalist Registration:
- Professional journalists with experience, proven track records, integrity, and trustworthiness contact us through the application form.
- Upon approval, they are added to the journalist list.
Article Submission:
- Approved journalists can submit their articles/news on our platform.
- These articles are stored on the blockchain but are not displayed on the platform until they are approved by other journalists.
Article Approval:
- The number of approvals needed depends on the author and reviewer credibility scores.
- The higher the credibility score, the fewer approvals are needed before an article goes public on our platform.
Voting and Credibility:
- Once published, other journalists can vote positively or negatively on the article.
- Votes affect the credibility scores of both the author and the reviewers.
- This ensures that journalists strive to be authentic and honest to maintain a good credibility score, which translates to better fame, public recognition, and a bigger audience reach.
- The system ensures integrity and prevents bias, as any attempt to publish fake news by a few journalists can be countered by the larger community of reviewers.

- Bootstrap: Fast implementation and mobile-friendly approach.
- Bootstrap Studio: For efficient design and prototyping.
- Vanilla JS: Lightweight JavaScript for custom functionality.
- Node.js: Provides many tools out of the box, including integration with Filecoin, Web3Auth, and compatibility with JavaScript on the frontend.
- Solidity: Deployed on both Sepolia and Polygon testnets.
- Filecoin: Used to store heavy files like images, PDFs, etc.
- Polygon and Sepolia: Used to store small sensitive information such as Filecoin CIDs, author addresses, etc.
- Web3Auth: Ensures transparency and data-friendly client-side authentication. Facilitates a smooth registration process for journalists and visitors.
- Lighthouse: Assisted in the development process.
- Infura: Supported our infrastructure needs.
The project contains two main folders:
- Contract Deployment (contract_deployment): Contains all the necessary code and scripts for deploying smart contracts.
- Server-Client App (webserver): Contains the code for the server-side and client-side applications, facilitating the interaction between users and the blockchain.
- Node.js v.18
- npm (Node Package Manager)
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd verified-news && cd webserver
- Clone the repository:
npm install node server.js