v1.2.0 Release
Big ol' Surgery Update
- Arm install surgery now uses the Shoulder BodyPart
- Added Install surgery to replace a BodyPart with a new natural part if only the sub-parts are damaged/missing. Example: You can now install a new hand if any fingers are missing or damaged.
- Fixed being able to harvest a BodyPart if any sub-parts are missing. Example: Left Arm will not be harvestable if Left Pinky Finger is missing.
- Fixed BodyParts spawning after replacing them with a prosthetic/bionic when a sub-part is damaged/missing. Example: Replacing an arm (minus one finger) with a Bionic Arm will not spawn the arm on the ground post-surgery.
- RBSE Compatibility - Organ Rejection will not be applied if it's disabled in RBSE's ModSettings (Thanks, lbmaian, for the help!)
- RBSE Compatibility - Fixed bug where installing a natural limb did not properly restore sub-parts
- Brain templates from animals now respect what type of animal was initially scanned. Example: You can no longer apply an Alpaca template to a Bear. Brain templates created before this update can still be applied to any animal.
- Added ModSetting that can toggle whether applying Brain Templates on non-clones is allowed
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1787359789
Github: https://github.com/KongMD-Steam/QuestionableEthicsEnhanced/releases
More detail: https://github.com/KongMD-Steam/QuestionableEthicsEnhanced/milestone/7?closed=1