Following repository is an example implementation of U-Net neural network architecture introduced by Olaf Ronneberger et. al. in Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation. Following document consists of short explanations refering to the original paper and of instructions on how to train and use U-net inspired neural net.
Data used for project come from PASCAL VOC dataset available through Torchvision. Model was created using PyTorch library.
The issue that faced the authors of U-Net came directly from medical industry - the task was not only to classify images with HeLa cells but also to show the areas of their occurence.
(a) raw image, (b) overlay with ground truth segmentations 1 |
This goal came with several difficulties that had to be adressed. Among those was missing context at the borders of images - not all cells were fully included inside the picture. That's why the "Overlap-tile strategy" was introduced which filled the missing parts using mirroring of actual image. The consequence of this ideas is visible directly in architecture of U-Net which operates on input tensors that are bigger than the output ones. Moreover the authors decided to cut whole images into smaller pieces for better computing efficiency.
Overlap-tile strategy 2 |
U-Net owes its name to characteristic structure consisting of contracting and expansive paths which set by each other form an u-shape. Beside a solid connection between two paths (visible at the bottom of figure 3) U-Net at 4 points transfers cropped pieces of feature maps from contracting to expansive part. Copied fragments are merged with equivalent map. The reason standing behind sending only cropped maps is the 'overlapping-tile strategy' - tensors at the contracting path are bigger than their counterparts on expanding path.
Contracting path is a repeating combination of two convolutional layers (filter 3x3, ReLU activation function) followed by max pooling layer (filter 2x2). Before each applying max pooling layer cropped tensors are sent on the expanding path. The expanding path itself is constructed using sequences of transposed convolution layer (2x2 layer) and two convolutional layers (filter 3x3, ReLU activation function). No fully connected layers were used.
U-Net architecture 3 |
One of the main challenges of the project was to avoid situation in which separate cells were marked as one big field. To distinguish those cells authors used weight function which prioritises boundaries between cells and balances class frequencies (in this case 2):
$\textbf{x}$ represents pixel's coordinates ($x \in \Omega, \Omega \subset \textbf{Z}^2$ ), -
$w_c:\Omega \rightarrow \textbf{R}$ returns value of weight map balancing class frequencies -
$d_1:\Omega \rightarrow \textbf{R}$ returns distance of pixel$\textbf{x}$ to the border of nearest cell -
$d_2:\Omega \rightarrow \textbf{R}$ returns distance of pixel$\textbf{x}$ to the border of second nearest cell
For the sake of the experiment
Thanks to the weight map created by
which penalizes small U-Net's soft max values for correct class. In this case
!python /content/U-Net_PASCAL_VOC/ --n_epochs 400 \
--checkpoints_dir 'drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/tutoriale/u-net/modele'\
--download_datasets 'true' \
--root_datasets_dir 'PASCAL_VOC_dataset' \
--years_train '2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012' \
--years_test '2007,2008,2009,2010' \
--selected_classes 'border,cow' \
--splitted_mask_size 100 \
--default_boundary_size 98 \
--use_balanced_class_weights 'N' \
--initialize_model_weights 'Y' \
--load_model 'N'
Args used in command:
- n_epochs - number of epochs
- checkpoints_dir - path to directory where checkpoint will be saved
- download_datasets - download dataset from Torchvision repo or use already existing dataset
- root_datasets_dir - path where dataset should be downloaded or where is it already stored
- years_train - years of Pascal VOC competition "2007" to "2012" separated by commas used for training
- years_test - years of Pascal VOC competition "2007" to "2012" separated by commas used for testing
- selected_classes - classes seperated by commas
- splitted_mask_size - width and height of smaller piece of mask
- default_boundary_size - padding size around cut out image piece
- use_balanced_class_weights - use balanced weights for unequal classes distribiution
- initialize_model_weights - initialize model weights using normal distribiution
- load_model - Y -> continue learning using existing model and optimizer
Import libraries:
from model import load_checkpoint, uNetPascalVOC
from dataset import PascalVOCSegmentation
from visualize import concat_split_mask, show_mask
from import DataLoader
from torchvision.utils import draw_segmentation_masks
from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_tensor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
Initialise Dataset and Dataloader
device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
# parameters for dataset
selected_classes = ["background", "border", "cow"]
splitted_mask_size = 100
default_boundary = 98
# initiate dataset, dataloader
dataset = PascalVOCSegmentation("/path/to/your/dataset", "2007", "test", selected_classes, splitted_mask_size, default_boundary, False, download=True)
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False)
Load model
# load checkpoint
checkpoint = torch.load("path/to/your/checkpoint")
# initiate model
model = uNetPascalVOC(checkpoint["max_depth_level"], len(checkpoint["selected_classes"]))
# load parameters from checkpoint
Visualize mask
selected_img = 10
selected_class = 2
for id, batch in enumerate(dataloader, 0):
if id == selected_img:
# extract data from batch
image, split_image, split_mask = batch
image = image.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
split_image = [img_piece[0] for img_piece in split_image]
split_image = torch.stack(split_image)
# run model on extracted data
split_image =
# softmax output and concat to a single image
outputs = model(split_image).to(device)
outputs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(outputs, dim=1)
outputs = concat_split_mask(outputs, image, 3)
show_mask(image[0], outputs, selected_class)
Example visualization: