If you were using Kommunicate.UpdateTeamId()
to update the teamId, then you can replace with below method
let conversationId = "your_conversation_id"
let teamId = "your_team_id"
let conversation = KMConversationBuilder().withClientConversationId(conversationId).withMetaData(metaData).withTeamId(teamId).build()
Kommunicate.updateConversation(conversation: conversation) {response in
switch response {
case .success(let clientConversationId):
print("conversation is updated successfully")
// To launch the conversation
Kommunicate.showConversationWith(groupId: clientConversationId, from: self, completionHandler: {response in
if response {
print("conversation is shown")
} else {
print("conversation is not shown")
case .failure(let error):
print("failed to update conversation")
If you were using Kommunicate.logoutUser()
to logout the user, then you can replace that with below method
Kommunicate.logoutUser { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(_):
print("Logout success")
case .failure( _):
print("Logout failure, now registering remote notifications(if not registered)")
if !UIApplication.shared.isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications {
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options:[.badge, .alert, .sound]) { (granted, error) in
if granted {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
This method will create new conversation and the launch conversation
let kmConversation =
.withAgentIds( ["<AGENT_IDS>"])// Optional. If you do not pass any agent ID, the default agent will automatically get selected. AGENT_ID is the emailID used to signup on Kommunicate dashboard.
.withBotIds(["<BOT_IDS>"])// Optional. List of botIds. Go to Manage Bots(https://dashboard.kommunicate.io/bots/manage-bots) -> Copy botID
.useLastConversation(false) // If you pass here false, then a new conversation will be created everytime
Kommunicate.createConversation(conversation: kmConversation) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let conversationId):
print("Conversation id @@ ",conversationId)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Kommunicate.showConversationWith(groupId: conversationId, from: self, completionHandler: { (success) in
print("Conversation was shown")
case .failure(let kmConversationError):
print("Failed to create conversation", kmConversationError)
If you were using Kommunicate.defaultConfiguration.messageMetadata
to pass custom data(in KM_CHAT_CONTEXT
) to bot platform, then you can replace that with updateChatContext
try Kommunicate.defaultConfiguration.updateChatContext(with: ["key": "value"])
FAQ Button will appear in the navigation bar by default.
and Kommunicate.defaultConfiguration.hideRightNavBarButtonForConversationView
will not work.
Use Kommunicate.defaultConfiguration.hideFaqButtonInConversationList
and Kommunicate.defaultConfiguration.hideFaqButtonInConversationView
to hide faq buttons in the navigation bar.
// Hide FAQ Button in ConversationList screen
Kommunicate.defaultConfiguration.hideFaqButtonInConversationList = true
// Hide FAQ Button in Conversation screen
Kommunicate.defaultConfiguration.hideFaqButtonInConversationView = true
We are now using UserNotificationCenter for push notifications. Update your AppDelegate with using this [documentation](https://docs.kommunicate.io/docs/ios-pushnotification).
Default setting is on tap of notification, chat screen will be opened. On pressing back it won't go to chat list screen.
If you want to go to chat list on pressing back button in chat screen, then add below line in your AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method.
KMPushNotificationHandler.hideChatListOnNotification = false