Major update because of GA4 Key Events
GA4 changed Conversion Events into Key Events a while ago, and this change has also reached the API. This small wording change has trickled down as a major update to this solution.
What's new?
- Rewritten Apps Script in Google Sheet from Conversion Events to Key Events.
- Rewritten Named Ranges in Google Sheet from Conversion Events to Key Events.
- Changed BigQuery tables to use key_event in Field Name(s) instead of conversion_event.
- Added Fist Seen date for Event Names and Parameters to BigQuery documentation status tables.
- Updated both Basic and Advanced versions of Looker Studio.
- Improved documentation on GitHub.
If you are upgrading from the previous solution, here is what you have to do:
Google Sheet
- You must start using the new Google Sheet. It's simply not possible to explain all the changes needed to upgrade the existing Google Sheet.
- You can copy your existing documentation to the new Google Sheet by using copy + paste. Make sure you paste values only.
- Delete existing tables created by the previous documentation solution.
- Replace the SQL queries ga4_documentation_events_and_documentation_status.sql and ga4_documentation_parameters_and_documentation_status.sql with the new queries.
- Run BigQuery -> Export Event & Parameter Documentation from the GA4 Documentation menu in the Google Sheet. This will recreate the tables again.
Looker Studio
- Basic version: Connect to the new Google Sheet as a data source, or use the new Looker Studio report. Changes are mainly Field Name changes (Conversion Event -> Key Event & Conversion Event Counting -> Key Event Counting).
- Advanced version: Use the new Looker Studio report because of new fields and changed fields.