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File metadata and controls

82 lines (61 loc) · 3.58 KB



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  1. Using bob( package, Install the latest neovim(nvim) on your Ubuntu Linux(Installing nightly is encouraged). If you already installed the neovim with the appropriate version, you can skip it

  2. Backup the previous neovim configuration

# required
mv ~/.config/nvim{,.backup}

# optional but recommended
mv ~/.local/share/nvim{,.backup}
mv ~/.local/state/nvim{,.backup}
mv ~/.cache/nvim{,.backup}
  1. Git clone this repository(KnightChaser/myCustomLazyVim) to the neovim configuration.
git clone ~/.config/nvim
  1. Execute neovim(nvim). Hit :Lazy sync to synchronize the packages. After, the neovim will be ready to use!


  1. Note that my setup includes some fancy icons as characters on the terminal, so it's required to install the Nerd Fonts font family at Download any font you want among that font family, and set the font to your terminal.

  2. This neovim configuration also has LSP(Language Server Protocol)-related setup. For proper syntax highlighting and assistance(Intellisense), proper packages must be installed. For example, if you want to use C language IntelliSense, required packages(clangd and llvm via apt-get) must be installed. And, lua configuration(lua/plugins/mason.lua) must be adjusted. Basically, the file configuration is support C language(clangd) and Python(pyright). Refer to for more information.

-- ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/mason.lua

return {
  -- Mason: Manage external editor tooling (LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters)
    config = function()
  -- Mason-LSPConfig: Bridge between mason and lspconfig
    dependencies = { "williamboman/mason.nvim" },
    config = function()
        ensure_installed = { "clangd", "pyright" }, -- Added "pyright" here
  1. This setup also includes WakaTime extension. Visit for API key setup and more information. If you don't use WakaTime, you can simply ignore this setup and nothing will be happened.

  2. For Markdown linting, see ./lua/plugins/render-markdown.lua(You can just delete it away if you don't want.). Basically, it aesthetically reformats and shows up the formatted Markdown documents on the console. First, you have to install markdownlint-cli2 via brew(homebrew). Refer to the following codes for installation

# Install homebrew(brew)
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Install markdownlint-cli2
brew install markdownlint-cli2
  1. Always importantly, don't forget to issue :checkhealth and :Mason command if you encountered some errors! Especially if you just installed system, there might be some missing packages such as curl. Major external dependencies such as node.js are listed in .mise.toml. Install mise( and manage external dependencies in a single shot.

  2. Issue a command :UpdateRemotePlugins to update the remote plugins. It's required to update the plugins that include the remote plugins, such as wilder.nvim.