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06 openHAB
KlausMu edited this page Nov 25, 2023
1 revision
OpenHAB is a vendor and technology agnostic open source automation software which runs as a center for your smart home.
Here I only describe how to integrate the ESP32 fan controller into an existing openHAB installation. If you are new to openHAB, please first read here.
Example of how the integration could look like in openHAB:
- working openHAB installation
- working ESP32 fan controller with MQTT activated
- running MQTT broker (a standalone one like Mosquitto or the internal one from openHAB)
- working connection between openHAB and the MQTT broker. Working connection between ESP32 and the MQTT broker.
- (optional) basic understandig of mqtt. Here is also a good guide on how to integrate Tasmota with openHAB, which is quite similar to integrating the ESP32 fan controller with openHAB
- (optional) standalone MQTT client to observe and identify messages on the MQTT broker (e.g. MQTT Explorer, MQTT Spy, mosquitto_sub)
If not done yet, you first need to install and activate
edit file runtime.cfg (or use openHAB Paper UI)
edit file addons.cfg (or use openHAB Paper UI)
binding = mqtt
persistence = rrd4j
transformation = jsonpath
The rest of the configuration is split throughout several openHAB configuration files. Please assure that the topics correspond to the topics defined in the ESP32 (if you change them there).
Bridge mqtt:broker:mosquitto [ host="IPAddressOfYourBroker", secure=false, username="myUser", password="myPassword", clientID="myOpenHABMQTTClient" ]
Thing topic esp32FanController {
Type number : tempAct "esp32FanController_tempAct" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/stat/ACTUALTEMP", commandTopic="esp32_fan_controller/cmnd/ACTUALTEMP" ]
Type number : pres "esp32FanController_pres" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/tele/STATE1", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.pres" ]
Type number : alt "esp32FanController_alt" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/tele/STATE1", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.alt" ]
Type number : hum "esp32FanController_hum" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/tele/STATE1", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.hum" ]
Type number : tempTarg "esp32FanController_tempTarg" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/stat/TARGETTEMP", commandTopic="esp32_fan_controller/cmnd/TARGETTEMP" ]
Type number : rpm "esp32FanController_rpm" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/tele/STATE2", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.rpm" ]
Type number : pwm "esp32FanController_pwm" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/stat/FANPWM", commandTopic="esp32_fan_controller/cmnd/FANPWM" ]
Type number : wifiRSSI "esp32FanController_wifiRSSI" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/tele/STATE3", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.wifiRSSI" ]
Type number : wifiChan "esp32FanController_wifiChan" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/tele/STATE3", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.wifiChan" ]
Type string : wifiSSID "esp32FanController_wifiSSID" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/tele/STATE3", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.wifiSSID" ]
Type string : wifiBSSID "esp32FanController_wifiBSSID" [ stateTopic="esp32_fan_controller/tele/STATE3", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.wifiBSSID" ]
Group gEsp32FanController
Group gEsp32FanControllerChartTemp
Group gEsp32FanControllerChartPWM
Number gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod "Period"
Number esp32_tempAct "Temperature (actual) [%.1f °C]" (gEsp32FanController,gEsp32FanControllerChartTemp) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:tempAct" }
Number esp32_pres "Pressure [%.2f hPa]" (gEsp32FanController) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:pres" }
Number esp32_alt "Altitude [%.2f m]" (gEsp32FanController) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:alt" }
Number esp32_hum "Humidity [%.2f%%]" (gEsp32FanController) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:hum" }
Number esp32_tempTarg "Temperature (target) [%s °C]" (gEsp32FanController,gEsp32FanControllerChartTemp) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:tempTarg" }
Number esp32_rpm "Fan rpm [%d]" (gEsp32FanController,gEsp32FanControllerChartPWM) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:rpm" }
Number esp32_pwm "Fan pwm [%d]" (gEsp32FanController,gEsp32FanControllerChartPWM) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:pwm" }
Number esp32_wifiRSSI "WiFi signal strength [%d dB]" (gEsp32FanController) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:wifiRSSI" }
Number esp32_wifiChan "WiFi channel [%d]" (gEsp32FanController) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:wifiChan" }
String esp32_wifiSSID "WiFi SSID [%s]" (gEsp32FanController) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:wifiSSID" }
String esp32_wifiBSSID "WiFi BSSID [%s]" (gEsp32FanController) { channel = "mqtt:topic:mosquitto:esp32FanController:wifiBSSID" }
String esp32_presAlt "Pressure [%s]" (gEsp32FanController)
String esp32_rpmFrac "Fan rpm [%s]" (gEsp32FanController)
String esp32_pwmFrac "Fan pwm [%s]" (gEsp32FanController)
String esp32_wifiBSSIDclear "Access Point [%s]" (gEsp32FanController)
Group item=gEsp32FanController label="ESP32 fan controller" {
// begin mode 1: pwm mode -----------------------------
Frame label="Temperature" {
Text item=esp32_tempAct
Text item=esp32_presAlt
Text item=esp32_hum
Frame label="Fan" {
Setpoint item=esp32_pwm step=10 minValue=0 maxValue=255
Text item=esp32_rpmFrac
Text item=esp32_pwmFrac
// end mode 1: pwm mode -------------------------------
// begin mode 2: temperature controller mode ----------
Frame label="Temperature" {
Text item=esp32_tempAct
Setpoint item=esp32_tempTarg step=1 minValue=10 maxValue=50
Text item=esp32_presAlt
Text item=esp32_hum
Frame label="Fan" {
Text item=esp32_rpmFrac
Text item=esp32_pwmFrac
// end mode 2: temperature controller mode ------------
Frame label="WiFi" {
Text item=esp32_wifiBSSIDclear
Text item=esp32_wifiRSSI
Frame label="Statistics" {
Switch item=gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod label="Period" icon="line" mappings=[0="hour", 1="day", 2="week", 3="month", 4="year"]
Chart item=gEsp32FanControllerChartTemp period=h refresh=6000 visibility=[gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod==0, gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod=="NULL"]
Chart item=gEsp32FanControllerChartTemp period=D refresh=30000 visibility=[gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod==1]
Chart item=gEsp32FanControllerChartTemp period=W refresh=30000 visibility=[gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod==2]
Chart item=gEsp32FanControllerChartTemp period=M refresh=30000 visibility=[gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod==3]
Chart item=gEsp32FanControllerChartTemp period=Y refresh=30000 visibility=[gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod==4]
Chart item=gEsp32FanControllerChartPWM period=h refresh=6000 visibility=[gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod==0, gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod=="NULL"]
Chart item=gEsp32FanControllerChartPWM period=D refresh=30000 visibility=[gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod==1]
Chart item=gEsp32FanControllerChartPWM period=W refresh=30000 visibility=[gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod==2]
Chart item=gEsp32FanControllerChartPWM period=M refresh=30000 visibility=[gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod==3]
Chart item=gEsp32FanControllerChartPWM period=Y refresh=30000 visibility=[gEsp32FanControllerChartPeriod==4]
rule "esp32 pressure altitude"
Item esp32_pres changed or
Item esp32_alt changed
if ((esp32_pres == NULL) || (esp32_alt == NULL)) {
esp32_presAlt.postUpdate(String::format("%.2f hPa (%.2f m)", (esp32_pres.state as DecimalType).floatValue, (esp32_alt.state as DecimalType).floatValue))
rule "esp32 fan rpm"
Item esp32_rpm changed
if ((esp32_rpm == NULL)) {
esp32_rpmFrac.postUpdate(String::format("%d/3300 (%d%%)", (esp32_rpm.state as DecimalType).intValue, 100*(esp32_rpm.state as DecimalType).intValue/3300))
rule "esp32 fan pwm"
Item esp32_pwm changed
if ((esp32_pwm == NULL)) {
esp32_pwmFrac.postUpdate(String::format("%d/255 (%d%%)", (esp32_pwm.state as DecimalType).intValue, 100*(esp32_pwm.state as DecimalType).intValue/255))
rule "esp32 wifiBSSID realname"
Item esp32_wifiBSSID changed or
Item esp32_wifiChan changed
if ((esp32_wifiBSSID == NULL) || (esp32_wifiChan == NULL)) {
var String labelText
var String macAddressAP = esp32_wifiBSSID.state.toString
var String macAddressClear = macAddressAP
if (macAddressAP == "MacAddressOfFirstAccessPoint, e.g. AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF") {
macAddressClear = "FritzBox 2,4 GHz"
} else if (macAddressAP == "MacAddressOfSecondAccessPoint, e.g. AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF") {
macAddressClear = "Repeater 2,4 GHz"
labelText = macAddressClear
labelText += " (Channel " + (esp32_wifiChan.state as DecimalType).intValue + ")"
Strategies {
// for rrd charts, we need a cron strategy
everyMinute : "0 * * * * ?"
everyHour : "0 0 * * * ?"
everyDay : "0 0 0 * * ?"
Items {
esp32_tempAct : strategy = everyMinute
esp32_tempTarg : strategy = everyChange, everyMinute
esp32_hum : strategy = everyMinute
esp32_rpm,esp32_pwm : strategy = everyMinute