An app to manage, swapping mods and items for Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
Release page
Check back for latest releases
- Available in English, Japanese and Chinese (by augurz)
- Auto replace checksum on startup and when applying mods
- Auto sort and categorize mods by associated items upon adding
- Mods can be added to Mod Sets to be applied together
- Keep track of available mods and mods that are in the game
- Custom mod applying locations (win32, win32reboot, win32_na, win32reboot_na or all)
- Swap mods to other items
- Quick apply any mod to any selected item
- Swap original items (costumes, emotes, ...)
- Inject custom AQM file to items and mods (Auto)
- Remove bounding radius from items and mods (prevent disappearance on closeup camera - Auto)
- Profanity filter removal (Auto)
- Custom images on Vital Gauges
- Custom images on Line Strike (Cards, Boards, Sleeves)
- Two different profiles can be used separatedly on different versions of the game
- Start game bypassing official launcher (JP version only, might need to run as admin)
and more..
- Restore the game files to their originals before using the app
- App's settings (light\dark mode, pso2_bin path, ect) are stored in:
C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
Drag & drop won't work if app is running with Administrator
More improvements and features
Flutter and various libraries from
Found a bug? Leave a message here
Made by キス★ (KizKizz)
I'm not taking any responsibility if your game files messed up