Trame-router extend trame widgets and ui with Vue Router components and helper to streamline its usage with trame. Vue Router is the official router for Vue.js on which trame is based.
trame-router can be installed with pip:
pip install --upgrade trame-router
The Trame Tutorial is the place to go to learn how to use the library and start building your own application.
The API Reference documentation provides API-level documentation.
The original Vue Router documentation provide a great introduction resource.
The router elements can be used as follow in trame:
# [...]
from trame.ui.router import RouterViewLayout
from trame.widgets import router
with RouterViewLayout(server, "/"):
with vuetify.VCard():
vuetify.VCardTitle("This is home")
with RouterViewLayout(server, "/foo"):
with vuetify.VCard():
vuetify.VCardTitle("This is foo")
with RouterViewLayout(server, "/bar/:id"):
with vuetify.VList():
vuetify.VListItem("Bar {{ $ }} item 1")
vuetify.VListItem("Bar {{ $ }} item 2")
vuetify.VListItem("Bar {{ $ }} item 3")
with SinglePageWithDrawerLayout(server) as layout:
with layout.toolbar:
vuetify.VBtn("Home", to="/")
vuetify.VBtn("Foo", to="/foo")
vuetify.VBtn("Bar 1", to="/bar/1")
vuetify.VBtn("Bar 2", to="/bar/2")
vuetify.VBtn("Bar 3", to="/bar/3")
with layout.content:
With vue3 and docker, trame-router can leverage the html5 history mode but by default we use the "hash" mode. To enable it, you need to define a TRAME_ROUTER_HISTORY_MODE environment variable that should either be set to "html5" or "hash". This can only work if using our docker bundle or with a proper web server configuration when delivering the static HTML/JS/CSS content yourself.
trame-router is made available under the MIT License. For more details, see LICENSE This license has been chosen to match the one use by Vue Router which is used under the cover.
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This Python package bundle the following vue-router libraries. For client_type="vue2"
, it exposes vue-router@3.5.1
and for client_type="vue3"
, it exposes vue-router@4.2.4
If you would like us to upgrade any of those dependencies, please reach out.