This the Solution to the exercise of Epidemiological Tracking System. It allows clients to create, read, update, and delete data on individuals who have been diagnosed with a certain illness.
- Have .NET 8.0 installed
- Download Visual studio code or your favorite editor
- Clone the repository
- Open the solution in vs code
- Install the C# extension kit extension
- Restore Nugget package using
dotnet restore
- Build the project using
dotnet build
- Run the application using
dotnet run
- GET /api/individuals: Returns a list of all diagnosed individuals
- GET /api/individuals/{id}: Returns a specific individual by ID
- POST /api/individuals: Creates a new individual
- PUT /api/individuals/{id}: Updates an existing individual
- DELETE /api/individuals/{id}: Deletes an existing individual
The Individual model includes:
- Id: unique identifier (integer)
- Name: name of the individual (string)
- Age: age of the individual (integer)
- Symptoms: list of symptoms (string list)
- Diagnosed: boolean indicating diagnosis status
- DateDiagnosed: date of diagnosis (DateTime)
- CRUD operations for individual records
- In-memory database for quick setup and testing
- Error handling and appropriate status codes
- RESTful API design