a discord music bot with many commands , buttons , 24/7 , autoresume ,etc
1. Install Latest LTS NodeJS
2. Download this repo and unzip it | or git clone it
3. Fill in everything in settings/config.js
mongodb : "MONGO_URL"
Rename .env.example
to .env.
and configure it
4. Now Let's Update Node Version. copy and paste in shell npm i --save-dev node@latest && npm config set prefix=$(pwd)/node_modules/node && export PATH=$(pwd)/node_modules/node/bin:$PATH
5. after Fill everything in config Type in shall npm install
6. now we need to install to additional packages .
npm install @discordjs/opus
- for better audio quality .npm install zlib-sync@latest
- for WebSocket data compression and inflation .npm install erlpack@latest
- for significantly faster WebSocket .
7. start the bot with node index.js
- Easy to use Music Bot
- Support Youtube , Spotify , Soundcloud , etc 700+ websites
- Slash commands support
- Dashboard support
- Message commands support
- Stable & up to date with discord.js v14
- Support 24/7 in voice channel
- Support autoresume system
- Support music request channel system
- Support more filters
- Support dj system
- Work on replit and others vps