Sparkling Shower brings you Buy 3 Get 1 on your favorite Body Care products. Shop from the most loved fragrances of mists, lotions, creams, & much more. Quick & Secure Checkout. 100% Original. Easy Returns. Secured Payment. Limited Period Offer. Reasonable Price.
- Single Product Page
- Backend of Cart
- Backend of User Review
Ashutosh Mahapatra - Team Member
- Home Page
- Admin Panel
- Login Page
- Signup Page
- Whole Backend
- Admin Panel
- Cart Page
- Address Page
- Payment Page
- Products Page
- Login/Signup
- Different Categories and Sections
- Add to Cart
- Can Increase the Quantity of the Cart Items
- User can Write Review
- Address Validation & Payment Validation
- Responsive Design
- ReactJs
- React-Router-Dom
- Redux
- React-Redux
- Redux-Thunk
- React-Icon
- Axios
- React-Bootstrap
- Bootstrap
- Chakra UI
- Chakra-Icon
- MongoDB
- NodeJS
- Express
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Npm / Yarn and Node.js installed
Installing NPM modules Execute these commands from the project directory
npm install
Open a terminal on directory
npm run start
Access the web app at http://localhost:3000/ **Admin ID { "first_name":"Admin", "last_name":"bath&body", "email":"", "password":"bathandbody2", "confirm_password":"bathandbody2", "mobile":"1234567890", "isAdmin":true }
note:- don't delete the Seller
**Seller ID { email:"" password:"arjun" }