Booking service provides a GraphQL API for reservation, confirmation and cancellation operations.
Booking is comprised of GraphQL API implemented using AppSync, DynamoDB as a database, a booking state machine using Step Functions and Python Lambda functions.
Booking API provides create, update, read and list (CRUD) operations on Bookings. It also enforces fine-grained authorization to allow booking owners to read and update their bookings only except Admin users.
CRUD operations are auto-generated using Amplify off our API schema.
Operation | Name | Description |
query | getBookingByStatus | Fetches bookings directly from Booking DynamoDB table |
mutation | processBooking | Initiates booking state machine in Step Functions |
These auto-generated operations are not currently being used and might change with upcoming improvements. getBooking
, listBookings
, createBooking
, updateBooking
, deleteBooking
type Booking
@model(subscriptions: null)
@auth(rules: [
{allow: owner, ownerField: "customer", identityField: "sub", operations: [read, update]},
{allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"]}
@key(name: "ByCustomerStatus",
fields: ["customer", "status"],
queryField: "getBookingByStatus")
id: ID!
status: BookingStatus!
outboundFlight: Flight! @connection
paymentToken: String!
checkedIn: Boolean
customer: String
createdAt: String
bookingReference: String
Booking state machine handles all operations necessary to create bookings including payment. We use Saga pattern to demonstrate how to implement coordinated transactions, fallback transactions, and dead-letter-queue as part of a state machine.
Access Logs and Server-side caching are not currently being used to prevent additional charges. When Access Logs is enabled, you can use CloudWatch Log Insights to search across fully structured logs on all GraphQL API operations, including resolver and data statistics.
The state machine uses a combination of service integration with DynamoDB and SQS and Lambda functions.
Task | Resource | Description |
Reserve Flight | DynamoDB integration | Updates Flight table to conditionally decrease seatCapacity field for a given flight |
Reserve Booking | Reserve Booking function | Creates a booking as UNCONFIRMED in the Booking table |
Collect Payment | Collect Payment function | Collects payment from a pre-authorized charge token |
Confirm Booking | Confirm Booking function | Confirms booking and set status to CONFIRMED in the Booking table |
Notify Booking Confirmed | Notify Booking function | Publishes a message to Booking SNS topic |
Custom metrics currently emitted to CloudWatch:
Metric | Description | Dimensions |
ColdStart | Number of cold start executions | function_name , service |
InvalidBookingRequest | Number of booking transactions that didn't include booking ID | operation , service |
SuccessfulCancellation | Number of successful booking cancellations | service |
FailedCancellation | Number of booking that failed to be cancelled | service |
SuccessfulBooking | Number of bookings confirmed successfully | service |
SuccessfulNotification | Number of booking notifications successfully delivered to customers | service |
FailedNotification | Number of booking notifications that failed to be delivered to customers | service |
SuccessfulReservation | Number of successful booking reservations | service |
FailedReservation | Number of bookings that failed to be reserved | service |
being a git branch from where deployment originates (e.g. twitch):
Parameter | Description |
/{env}/service/booking/statemachine/processBooking | Process Booking Step Functions State Machine ARN |
/{env}/service/booking/messaging/bookingTopic | SNS Topic ARN for booking operations |
Booking provides a GraphQL Booking data type and a getBookingByStatus query. Using @key
, Booking implements a Global Secondary Index (GS) to fetch booking by customer and status using getBookingByStatus
query as opposed to listBookings
scan operation.
Flight IDs are stored in Booking table and fetched via @connection
that effectively queries a separate table (Flight from Catalog) using a GSI.
See Loyalty integration section for more information
See Payment integration section for more information
Decision | Description | Timeframe |
State Machine for booking process | Primarily to illustrate Saga in practice including handling failed overall executions with a DLQ. This should be simplified after re:Invent 2019, specially booking confirmation. | During Twitch season (Apr-Aug '19) |