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The IBM DataPower Orchestrator allows for the management of certificates in the IBM Datapower platform. Inventory, Add and Remove functions are supported. This integration can add/replace certificates in any domain\directory combination. For example default\pubcert


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DataPower Orchestrator

The IBM DataPower Orchestrator allows for the management of certificates in the IBM Datapower platform. Inventory, Add and Remove functions are supported. This integration can add/replace certificates in any domain\directory combination.

Integration status: Production - Ready for use in production environments.

About the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator Extension

This repository contains a Universal Orchestrator Extension which is a plugin to the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator. Within the Keyfactor Platform, Orchestrators are used to manage “certificate stores” — collections of certificates and roots of trust that are found within and used by various applications.

The Universal Orchestrator is part of the Keyfactor software distribution and is available via the Keyfactor customer portal. For general instructions on installing Extensions, see the “Keyfactor Command Orchestrator Installation and Configuration Guide” section of the Keyfactor documentation. For configuration details of this specific Extension see below in this readme.

The Universal Orchestrator is the successor to the Windows Orchestrator. This Orchestrator Extension plugin only works with the Universal Orchestrator and does not work with the Windows Orchestrator.

Keyfactor Version Supported

The minimum version of the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator Framework needed to run this version of the extension is 10.1

Platform Specific Notes

The Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator may be installed on either Windows or Linux based platforms. The certificate operations supported by a capability may vary based what platform the capability is installed on. The table below indicates what capabilities are supported based on which platform the encompassing Universal Orchestrator is running.

Operation Win Linux
Supports Management Add
Supports Management Remove
Supports Create Store
Supports Discovery
Supports Renrollment
Supports Inventory

PAM Integration

This orchestrator extension has the ability to connect to a variety of supported PAM providers to allow for the retrieval of various client hosted secrets right from the orchestrator server itself. This eliminates the need to set up the PAM integration on Keyfactor Command which may be in an environment that the client does not want to have access to their PAM provider.

The secrets that this orchestrator extension supports for use with a PAM Provider are:

Name Description
Server UserName The user id that will be used to authenticate into the server hosting the store
Server Password The password that will be used to authenticate into the server hosting the store

It is not necessary to use a PAM Provider for all of the secrets available above. If a PAM Provider should not be used, simply enter in the actual value to be used, as normal.

If a PAM Provider will be used for one of the fields above, start by referencing the Keyfactor Integration Catalog. The GitHub repo for the PAM Provider to be used contains important information such as the format of the json needed. What follows is an example but does not reflect the json values for all PAM Providers as they have different "instance" and "initialization" parameter names and values.

General PAM Provider Configuration

Example PAM Provider Setup

To use a PAM Provider to resolve a field, in this example the Server Password will be resolved by the Hashicorp-Vault provider, first install the PAM Provider extension from the Keyfactor Integration Catalog on the Universal Orchestrator.

Next, complete configuration of the PAM Provider on the UO by editing the manifest.json of the PAM Provider (e.g. located at extensions/Hashicorp-Vault/manifest.json). The "initialization" parameters need to be entered here:

  "Keyfactor:PAMProviders:Hashicorp-Vault:InitializationInfo": {
    "Host": "",
    "Path": "v1/secret/data",
    "Token": "xxxxxx"

After these values are entered, the Orchestrator needs to be restarted to pick up the configuration. Now the PAM Provider can be used on other Orchestrator Extensions.

Use the PAM Provider

With the PAM Provider configured as an extenion on the UO, a json object can be passed instead of an actual value to resolve the field with a PAM Provider. Consult the Keyfactor Integration Catalog for the specific format of the json object.

To have the Server Password field resolved by the Hashicorp-Vault provider, the corresponding json object from the Hashicorp-Vault extension needs to be copied and filed in with the correct information:


This text would be entered in as the value for the Server Password, instead of entering in the actual password. The Orchestrator will attempt to use the PAM Provider to retrieve the Server Password. If PAM should not be used, just directly enter in the value for the field.

IBM Datapower


The IBM DataPower Orchestrator allows for the management of certificates in the IBM Datapower platform. Inventory, Add and Remove functions are supported. This integration can add/replace certificates in any domain\directory combination. For example default\pubcert

1) Create the new Certificate store Type for the New DataPower AnyAgent


Basic Name Descriptive name for the Store Type. IBM Data Power Universal can be used.
Basic Short Name The short name that identifies the registered functionality of the orchestrator. Must be DataPower.
Basic Custom Capability Unchecked
Basic Job Types Inventory, Add, and Remove are the supported job types.
Basic Needs Server Must be checked
Basic Blueprint Allowed checked
Basic Requires Store Password Determines if a store password is required when configuring an individual store. This must be unchecked.
Basic Supports Entry Password Determined if an individual entry within a store can have a password. This must be unchecked.
Advanced Store Path Type Determines how the user will enter the store path when setting up the cert store. Freeform
Advanced Supports Custom Alias Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a custom Alias. Optional (if left blank, alias will be a GUID)
Advanced Private Key Handling Determines how the orchestrator deals with private keys. Optional
Advanced PFX Password Style Determines password style for the PFX Password. Default
Custom Fields Inventory Page Size Name:InventoryPageSize Display Name:Inventory Page Size Type:String Default Value:100 Required:True. This determines the page size during the inventory calls. (100 should be fine)
Custom Fields Public Cert Store Name Name:PublicCertStoreName Display Name:Public Cert Store Name:String Default Value:pubcert Required:True. This probably will remain pubcert unless someone changed the default name in DataPower.
Custom Fields Protocol Name:Protocol Display Name:Protocol Name:String Default Value:https Required:True. This should always be https in production, may need to change in test to http.
Custom Fields Inventory Black List Name:InventoryBlackList Display Name:Inventory Black List Name:String Default Value:Leave Blank Required:False. Comma seperated list of alias values you do not want to inventory from DataPower.
Custom Fields Server Username Api UserName for DataPower
Custom Fields Server Password Api Password for UserName Described Above
Custom Fields Use SSL Set this to true
Entry Parameters N/A There are no Entry Parameters





Category The type of certificate store to be configured. Select category based on the display name configured above "IBM Data Power Universal".
Container This is a logical grouping of like stores. This configuration is optional and does not impact the functionality of the store.
Client Machine The server and port the DataPower API runs on. This is typically port 5554 for the API.
Store Path This will the domain\path combination to enroll and inventory to. If it is the default domain just put the path.
Inventory Page Size This determines the page size during the inventory calls. (100 should be fine).
Public Cert Store Name This probably will remain pubcert unless someone changed the default name in DataPower.
Protocol This should always be https in production, may need to change in test to http.
Inventory Black List Comma seperated list of alias values you do not want to inventory from DataPower.
Orchestrator This is the orchestrator server registered with the appropriate capabilities to manage this certificate store type.
Inventory Schedule The interval that the system will use to report on what certificates are currently in the store.
Use SSL This should be checked.
User The Data Power user that has access to the API and enroll and inventory functions in DataPower.
Password Password for the user mentioned above.



Case Number Case Name Case Description Expected Results Passed
1 Pubcert Inventory No Black List Default Domain Should Inventory Everything in the DataPower pubcert directory on the Default Domain Keyfactor Inventory Matches pubcert default domain inventory True
1a Pubcert Inventory No Black List Default Domain using PAM Credentials Should Inventory Everything in the DataPower pubcert directory on the Default Domain using credentials stored in a PAM Provider Keyfactor Inventory Matches pubcert default domain inventory True
1b Pubcert Inventory With Black List Default Domain Should Inventory Everything in the DataPower pubcert directory on the Default Domain Outside of Black List Items ex: Test.pem,Test2.pem Keyfactor Inventory Matches pubcert default domain inventory outside of Black List Items True
2 Pubcert Inventory No Black List testdomain\pubcert path Should Inventory Everything in the DataPower pubcert directory on the testdomain\pubcert path Keyfactor Inventory Matches pubcert default domain inventory True
2a Pubcert Inventory With Black List testdomain\pubcert path Should Inventory Everything in the DataPower pubcert directory on the testdomain\pubcert path Outside of Black List Items ex: Cert1.pem,Cert2.pem Keyfactor Inventory Matches pubcert default domain inventory outside of Black List Items True
3 Private Key Cert Inventory No Black List Default Domain Should Inventory Everything in the DataPower cert directory on the Default Domain Keyfactor Inventory Matches pubcert default domain inventory True
3a Private Key Cert Inventory No Black List Default Domain with Credentials Stored in PAM Provider Should Inventory Everything in the DataPower cert directory on the Default Domain with Credentials Stored in PAM Provider Keyfactor Inventory Matches pubcert default domain inventory True
3b Private Key Cert Inventory With Black List Default Domain Should Inventory Everything in the DataPower cert directory on the Default Domain Oustide of Black List Items ex: Test.pem,Test2.pem Keyfactor Inventory Matches cert default domain inventory outside of Black List Items True
4 Private Key Cert Inventory No Black List testdomain\cert path Should Inventory Everything in the DataPower cert directory on the testdomain\cert path Keyfactor Inventory Matches testdomain\cert path inventory
4a Private Key Cert Inventory With Black List testdomain\cert path Should Inventory Everything in the DataPower cert directory on the testdomain\cert path Keyfactor Inventory Matches testdomain\cert path Oustide of Black List Items ex: Test,Test2


Case Number Case Name Case Description Overwrite Flag Alias Name Expected Results Passed
1 Pubcert Add with Alias Default Domain Will create new Cert, Key and Pem/crt entry False cryptoobjs Crypto Key Created, Crypto Cert Created, Pem/Crt created True
1a Pubcert Overwrite with Alias Default Domain Will Replaced Cert, Key and Pem/crt entry true cryptoobjs Crypto Key Replaced, Crypto Cert Replaced, Pem/Crt Replaced True
1b Pubcert Add without Alias Default Domain Will create new Cert, Key and Pem/crt entry with GUID as name False cryptoobjs Crypto Key Created, Crypto Cert Created, Pem/Crt created with GUID as name True
2 Private Key Add with Alias Default Domain Will create new Cert, Key and Pem/crt entry False cryptoobjs Crypto Key Created, Crypto Cert Created, Pem/Crt created True
2a Private Key Overwrite with Alias Default Domain Will Replaced Cert, Key and Pem/crt entry true cryptoobjs Crypto Key Replaced, Crypto Cert Replaced, Pem/Crt Replaced True
2b Private Key Add without Alias Default Domain Will create new Cert, Key and Pem/crt entry with GUID as name False cryptoobjs Crypto Key Created, Crypto Cert Created, Pem/Crt created with GUID as name True
2c Private Key Cert Add with Alias testdomain\cert path Will create new Cert, Key and Pem/crt entry in testdomain\cert path False cryptoobjs Crypto Key Created, Crypto Cert Created, Pem/Crt created in testdomain\pubcert path True
2d Private Key Cert Add with Alias testdomain\cert path Will create new Cert, Key and Pem/crt entry in testdomain\cert path with PAM Credentials False cryptoobjs Crypto Key Created, Crypto Cert Created, Pem/Crt created in testdomain\pubcert path gettting credentials from a PAM Provider True
3a Private Key Cert Overwrite with Alias testdomain\cert path Will Replaced Cert, Key and Pem/crt entry in testdomain\cert path true cryptoobjs Crypto Key Replaced, Crypto Cert Replaced, Pem/Crt Replaced in testdomain\pubcert path True
3b Private Key Cert Add without Alias testdomain\cert path Will create new Cert, Key and Pem/crt entry with GUID as name in testdomain\cert path False cryptoobjs Crypto Key Created, Crypto Cert Created, Pem/Crt created with GUID as name in testdomain\cert path True
4 Remove Private Key and Cert From Default Domain Remove Private Key and Cert From Default Domain False cryptoobjs Crypto Certificate, Crypto Key and Pem/Crt are removed from Data Power True
4a Remove Private Key and Cert From testdomain\cert path Remove Private Key and Cert From testdomain\cert path False cryptoobjs Crypto Certificate, Crypto Key and Pem/Crt are removed from Data Power testdomain\cert path True
4b Remove PubCert Remove PubCert False cryptoobjs Error Occurs, cannot remove Public Certs True
4c Remove Private Key and Cert From testdomain\cert path with PAM Credentials Remove Private Key and Cert From testdomain\cert path using credentials stored in a PAM Provider False cryptoobjs Crypto Certificate, Crypto Key and Pem/Crt are removed from Data Power testdomain\cert path True




The IBM DataPower Orchestrator allows for the management of certificates in the IBM Datapower platform. Inventory, Add and Remove functions are supported. This integration can add/replace certificates in any domain\directory combination. For example default\pubcert








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