- Tim Graf
- Kevin Joerg
- Moritz Daendliker
This repository is part of a project from the course "Big Data Analytics" at the University of St. Gallen which was held in the fall semester 2021 as part of the Master in Banking & Finance curriculum.
The aim of the following project was to project US voting outcomes on a county level with the use of data on ~3 million used-cars that were listed in the month prior to the elections. The study is able to forecast 300-400 counties depending on the computational method in use.
- Download the datasets from:
- US Used cars dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/ananaymital/us-used-cars-dataset
- MIT Election Lab Voting Data: https://github.com/MEDSL/2020-elections-official
- State Level Election Outcome: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/42MVDX
Run code files sequentially
Check presentation for an overview on the methodology and results.
- Linear regression uses GPU acceleration method. This may only work on NVIDIA GPUs which are CUDA enabled.
- XGBoost takes up a lot of memory. If you do not have access to a powerful computer (on-premise or cloud), you may want to go ahead with 05_XGB_OOM (out-of-memory)
- XGBoost takes a long time to compute.
This code was used for research-purposes only.