Welcome to the job portal system. This is our university group project, under the Mobile Application Development module. We have created this mobile application using Kotlin language on Android Studio. There is a four main parts, as 1. User Management 2. Post Job Vacancies 3. Apply for Jobs 4. Payment Portal,
• Create - User should register with the app if he /she is not registered. User can register to the system by filling out the sign-up form. User should enter a valid email and should not be registered in the system before. After entering the password twice, the user can register to the system and the user profile gets created. Then the user can login with the valid credentials • Read – The entered details can be shown in the user profile. • Update – If the user wants to change the user details except email, then user can edit and the user profile gets updated. • Delete – If user wants to delete the profile, he/she can delete it. When the user enter the credentials of that profile and try to login, the system shows the email or password is incorrect. That means the profile has been deleted.
• Create - After user login with the system, user can post a job by filling out this form. Customer should have to fill all the fields otherwise he/she cannot continue. After confirming, the job ad post is successfully created. • Read – The entered details in the form are shown in the Your Ads page. • Update – The user can update any detail in the job he/she posted. • Delete – The user can delete the job posted and once the user deleted it, user cannot see the job in the Your Ads page.
• Create - When the user is logged into the system, he/she can select a job category. Then system shows the jobs related to selected category. Then user can select a job to apply. After that user should have to fill out the form and upload the CV. All the fields should be filled. System doesn’t allow to go to the next page with empty fields. • Read - Then use can check the details that he entered. • Update - Then the user can edit the details if necessary. If there are nothing to edit user can apply the job successfully. • Delete - User can delete the uploaded file if the user has uploaded wrong file.
• Create – If a user wants to post a job, he/she needs to do a payment. For that user can go to the payment portal and enter the payment method and the number of ads the user wishes to post. When the user enters the number of ads, system calculates the total amount to be paid. Then the user should pay the amount and upload a payment proof. • Read - User can see the details that he entered and the calculated amount to be paid. After uploading the payment proof and then by clicking Confirm the user can complete the payment process. • Update – If the user wants to edit the details entered, he/she can edit them and again the total amount to be paid will be calculated and updated. Then again user must upload the payment proof. • Delete - User can delete the uploaded file if the user has uploaded wrong file of payment proof.
...........................Thank You..!!!...............................