The aim of this project was to build a playable version of the classic game, Battleship, using mainly JavaScript technologies. You can view the project specifications here.
Click here to see the live version.
- Open the terminal and clone the repo
- To launch the app, cd in the project directory and enter the following command in the terminal:
npm start
Press 'Start Game' in to bring up the form.
Enter you name and press "Submit".
Play the game by clicking the enemy grid squares (the grid on the right).
Restart the game by clicking "Restart Game" and pressing "Submit" on the form.
cd into the project directory after cloning.
To run this app's test suite, open the terminal and enter the following command:
npm test
This page was built using the following technologies:
- JavaScript
- Webpack
- Jest
- CSS3
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Feel free to drop a 👍 to show your support. It'd be greatly appreciated it 🙏
👤 Kerron King
- Github: @KerronKing
- Email:
- Linkedin: Kerron King
👤 Eva Veskova Jackson
- Github: Eva Veskova Jackson
- Linkedin: Eva Veskova Jackson