An extension to provide type support and some documentation to Visual Studio code for the modding aspect of Scrap Mechanic.
- HardCoded - (docs & tracer)
- TechnologicNick - help with some function docs
Clone the repository to a memorable location using git.
Ex: git clone
Open visual studio code and navigate to the settings of the Lua language server.
Scroll in the settings until you see library.
Click add item and type in the full directory path of your memorible location followed by
An example would be
Press ok or enter when you are finished entering the library location.
Open your mod folder or what scripts you want to edit.
Contact me on discord: TwentyCharatersGreat#5716
or look me up using 195930934480994304
You will need to add other libraries (see step 2 - 5).
- Util -
<REPLACE WITH SM INSTALL PATH>\Survival\Scripts\util.lua
- AnimationUtil (tools) -
<REPLACE WITH SM INSTALL PATH>\Data\Scripts\game\AnimationUtil.lua