This is a sample python code for Loop-TNR algorithm [S. Yang, Z.-C. Gu, and X.-G. Wen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 110504 (2017)] for 2D ising model . No guarantee for the validity of the codes.
- Python 3
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- ncon
After installing the packages, you can run this code as,
By default, The main file "" produces the relative error of free energy density, conformal data and singular value spectrums of the crtical 2D ising model with Bond dimension
To change some of parameters, such as bond dimensions, number of RG steps, temperature, etc ..., one can add these parameters at the command line. For example, to increase the bond dimension to
python3 16
Although this sample code is already practical for studying the 2d classical statistical model, we have proposed alternative optimization method in arXiv:2306.17479. If you are interested in, please read our paper.