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HBase操作封装的orm: easy-hbase,更方便的使用HBase

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纯净的脚手架 Test For Java

纯净的脚手架 Test For Kotlin

2.0.0版本 2020.8.10 更新

  1. 重新梳理项目结构
  2. 升级HBase版本到2.0.0
  3. 支持HBaseTest用于单元测试 && 集成测试
  4. 升级SpringBoot版本2.0.9
  5. Gradle构建替换Maven
  6. 梳理代码.重写初始化逻辑


业务架构用到HBase,但由于某些不可名状原因,没有用phoniex等上层工具,开发都是用原生的HBase Api来实现逻辑,原生API虽然使用不算困难,但是在复用性和可读性方便很差,在这样的背景下,根据现有业务和现在HBase的常用方式上封装了这个简易的ORM,说是ORM其实不是特别准确,只能算是一个轻量级的工具框架吧



  1. HBase使用列簇设计不宜过多,一般为单个固定列簇。

  2. HBase存储的基础数据表,比如某个订单或者某个帖子之类的,rowKey类似为主键,然后固定单个列簇里面,某个column就是基础数据的一个字段,value就是对应的值,这个实际上和关系型数据库有点类似了,这样我们需要一个封装,根据主键返回一堆字段,再映射成我们需要的对象。

  3. 由于HBase是非关系型数据库,它的查询都是基于rowKey来进行的。一些关联查询需要建立相应的索引来实现(ps:复杂的HBase查询实现有多种方式,建立索引是比较常见的),比如某个用户的发帖列表,用户相关key为rowKey,column为Long最大值-发帖时间,value为帖子rowKey,这部分数据的column和value都不是固定的,区别于2的固定column值。

  4. HBase存储的基础单位也是字节,这点跟redis都是一致的,但是不同于redis客户端将value固定为String的字节数组,HBase提供的api是允许不同类型如Integer|Long|String等操作的,为方便管理和代码封装,实际业务上会规定尽量使用String来存储有关数据,特殊情况下用Long(主要是为了计数器的原子操作)。

  5. HBase基础数据表查询会返回指定PO,而一些索引表查询会返回不同的column和value,另外在条件查询时,我们有时候会限制返回我们需要的column或者是只取指定value(或者别的比较关系:大于或不等于等)的column,我们需要一个基础的单元格类来承载这些功能。

  6. 一般基础数据相同的属性,我们可能会放多份,区分正序或者倒叙等,还有复杂索引的数据其也没特定的table,所以我们设计的时候是将HBase的table以参数的形式传入,而非注解,建议这些配置在统一的地方维护



  1. 项目结构
  • easy-hbase-common: 通用module
  • easy-hbase-core: 核心service
  • easy-hbase-spring-boot-starter:一个简单的spring-boot-starter,适合spring-boot项目集成使用
  • easy-habse-systest 系统测试module,集成HBaseTestingUtility用于测试

2. 核心类

  • HBaseColumn:Field注解,用于注解PO的相关属性 
package com.kelin.easy.hbase.common.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

 * @author Kelin Tan
 *         <p>
 *         used on the field associate to the column from the hbase
 *         </p>
public @interface HBaseColumn {
    String family() default "";

    String column();

    boolean exist() default true;




  •  RowKey:field注解,用于注解po中的rowKey,若po中的属性不为rowkey值的话,需手动指定这个注解,否则将会默认field为rowkey
package com.kelin.easy.hbase.common.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

 * @author Kelin Tan
 * <p>
 *     used on the field associate to the rowkey from the hbase
 * </p>
public @interface RowKey {
  •  ColumnInfo:封装最基础的单元格类,columnFamily,column和对应的value
package com.kelin.easy.hbase.common.bean;

import com.kelin.easy.hbase.common.constants.HBaseConstant;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CompareOperator;

 * @author Kelin Tan
 *         <p>
 *         the base entity contains columnFamily and column、value、op default value String.class,others set customize
 *         valueClass used on limit the back columns and filter values
 *         </p>
public class ColumnInfo {
    private String columnFamily;
    private String column;
    private String value;
    private CompareOperator compareOperator;
    private Class<?> valueClass;


compareOperator:比较器属性,可以设置这个值用于在HBase限制返回column和值过滤的时候传入,可取的值:EQUAL|NOT EQUAL|GREATER等,我们这个类默认EQUAL

-    HBaseDao:HBase基础操作核心类


package com.kelin.easy.hbase.core;

import com.kelin.easy.hbase.common.bean.ColumnInfo;

import java.util.List;

 * @author Kelin Tan Date:  2017/08/18
public interface HBaseService {
     * Get column value as object by rowKey with columns and filters
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey HBaseTable rowKey
     * @param columns query columns
     * @param filters filter specific columns
     * @param clazz the column values as clazz
    <T> T get(String tableName, String rowKey, List<ColumnInfo> columns, List<ColumnInfo> filters,
            Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get column value as object by rowKey
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey HBaseTable rowKey
     * @param clazz the column values as clazz
    <T> T get(String tableName, String rowKey, Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get column value as object by rowKey with columns
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey HBaseTable rowKey
     * @param columns query columns
     * @param clazz the column values as clazz
    <T> T get(String tableName, String rowKey, List<ColumnInfo> columns, Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get single column value as string by rowKey and column
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey HBaseTable rowKey
     * @param column specific column
    String getSingleColumnValue(String tableName, String rowKey, String column);

     * Get single column value as class by rowKey and column
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey HBaseTable rowKey
     * @param column specific column
     * @param clazz the column values as clazz
    <T> T getSingleColumnValue(String tableName, String rowKey, String column, Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get all rowKeys
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
    List<String> getRowKeys(String tableName);

     * Get rowKeys with startRow and endRow
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param startRow the start row
     * @param endRow the end row
    List<String> getRowKeys(String tableName, String startRow, String endRow);

     * Get rowKeys with startRow,endRow and size limit,support separate
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param startRow the start row
     * @param endRow the end row
     * @param separate separate symbol to split rowKey,just used for row combined like "_" and so on
     * @param index separate index to retain index row
    List<String> getRowKeys(String tableName, String startRow, String endRow, Integer pageSize, String separate,
            Integer index);

     * Get rowKeys with startRow,endRow and size limit,support separate and default index
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param startRow the start row
     * @param endRow the end row
     * @param separate separate symbol to split rowKey,just used for row combined like "_" and so on
    List<String> getRowKeys(String tableName, String startRow, String endRow, Integer pageSize, String separate);

     * Get rowKeys with startRow,endRow and size limit
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param startRow the start row
     * @param endRow the end row
     * @param pageSize limit size
    List<String> getRowKeys(String tableName, String startRow, String endRow, Integer pageSize);

     * Get rowKeys with prefix with PrefixFilter
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param prefix rowKey prefix
    List<String> getRowKeysByPrefix(String tableName, String prefix);

     * Get rowKeys with prefix with PrefixFilter,and startRow,endRow
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param startRow the start row
     * @param endRow the end row
     * @param prefix rowKey prefix
    List<String> getRowKeysByPrefix(String tableName, String startRow, String endRow, String prefix);

     * Get columns with row and columnFamily,support limit columns and filters
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey HBaseTable rowKey
     * @param columns query columns
     * @param columnFamily the column family
     * @param filters filter specific columns use filter
    List<ColumnInfo> getColumns(String tableName, String rowKey, String columnFamily, List<ColumnInfo> columns,
            List<ColumnInfo> filters);

     * Get columns with row and default columnFamily,support limit columns and filters
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey HBaseTable rowKey
     * @param columns query columns
     * @param filters filter specific columns use filter
    List<ColumnInfo> getColumns(String tableName, String rowKey, List<ColumnInfo> columns, List<ColumnInfo> filters);

     * Get columns with row and columnFamily,without columns and filters
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param columnFamily the column family
     * @param rowKey HBaseTable rowKey
    List<ColumnInfo> getColumns(String tableName, String rowKey, String columnFamily);

     * Get columns with row and default columnFamily
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey HBaseTable rowKey
    List<ColumnInfo> getColumns(String tableName, String rowKey);

     * Get list object with rowKeys
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKeys HBaseTable rowKey list
     * @param clazz column value as clazz
    <T> List<T> getList(String tableName, List<String> rowKeys, Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get list object with rowKeys and columns,filters
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKeys HBaseTable rowKey list
     * @param columns query columns
     * @param filters filter specific columns use filter
     * @param clazz column value as clazz
    <T> List<T> getList(String tableName, List<String> rowKeys, List<ColumnInfo> columns, List<ColumnInfo> filters,
            Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get list object all,not recommended
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param clazz column value as clazz
    <T> List<T> getList(String tableName, Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get list object all,not recommended,with columns and filters
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param columns query columns
     * @param filters filter specific columns use filter
     * @param clazz column value as clazz
    <T> List<T> getList(String tableName, List<ColumnInfo> columns, List<ColumnInfo> filters, Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get list object all,not recommended,with columns,filters,startRow and endRow
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param columns query columns
     * @param filters filter specific columns use filter
     * @param startRow the start row
     * @param endRow the end row
     * @param clazz column value as clazz
    <T> List<T> getList(String tableName, List<ColumnInfo> columns, List<ColumnInfo> filters, String startRow,
            String endRow, Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get page list object,support page size limit
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param startRow the row start
     * @param endRow the row end
     * @param pageSize limit size
     * @param clazz column value as clazz
    <T> List<T> getPageList(String tableName, String startRow, String endRow, Integer pageSize,
            Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get page columns by row,support page size limit
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey the row
     * @param pageNo the pageNo
     * @param pageSize limit size
    List<ColumnInfo> getColumnsByPage(String tableName, String rowKey, Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize);

     * Get page columns by row,support page size limit
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey the row
     * @param pageNo the pageNo
     * @param pageSize limit size
     * @param columns query columns
     * @param filters column filters
    List<ColumnInfo> getColumnsByPage(String tableName, String rowKey, Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize,
            List<ColumnInfo> columns, List<ColumnInfo> filters);

     * Get specific column value as class
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey the row
     * @param column the column
     * @param clazz column values as class
    <T> T getColumnObj(String tableName, String rowKey, String column, Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get list column value as class
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey the row
     * @param columns the columns
     * @param clazz column values as class
    <T> List<T> getColumnObjList(String tableName, String rowKey, List<String> columns, Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Get page column value as class
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey the row
     * @param pageNo the pageNo
     * @param pageSize limit size
     * @param clazz column values as class
    <T> List<T> getPageColumnObjList(String tableName, String rowKey, Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize,
            Class<? extends T> clazz);

     * Put list object with not null fields
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param objects put data list
    <T> boolean put(String tableName, List<T> objects);

     * Put single object with not null fields
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param object put data
    <T> boolean put(String tableName, T object);

     * Put single column value
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey put row
     * @param column put column
     * @param value put value
    boolean put(String tableName, String rowKey, String column, String value);

     * Put single column value
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey put row
     * @param columnInfo put column info object
    boolean put(String tableName, String rowKey, ColumnInfo columnInfo);

     * Put list column value
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey put row
     * @param columns put column info object list
    boolean put(String tableName, String rowKey, List<ColumnInfo> columns);

     * delete by row
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey put row
    boolean delete(String tableName, String rowKey);

     * delete list columns by row
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey put row
     * @param list delete column info object list
    boolean delete(String tableName, String rowKey, List<ColumnInfo> list);

     * delete single column by row
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey put row
     * @param columnInfo delete column info object
    boolean delete(String tableName, String rowKey, ColumnInfo columnInfo);

     * delete single column by row
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey put row
     * @param column delete column
    boolean delete(String tableName, String rowKey, String column);

     * add counter,atomic operation
     * @param tableName HBaseTable name
     * @param rowKey put row
     * @param column update column
     * @param num add num
    long addCounter(String tableName, String rowKey, String column, long num);










3. 说明

Retrieve an HTableInterface implementation for access to a table. The returned HTableInterface is not thread safe, a new instance should be created for each using thread. This is a lightweight operation, pooling or caching of the returned HTableInterface is neither required nor desired. Note that the HConnection needs to be unmanaged (created with HConnectionManager.createConnection(Configuration)).

  • 如上述引用,HBase官方推荐HConnecton全局维护,而HTablePool也被废弃,不建议使用,所以我们这里也是维护了全局的HConnection,在HTable的使用是即用即关的。
  • 以上是主要的核心类,其主要映射也是通过反射来建立关系的,这里就不多说了
  • 基于HBaseTestingUtility 提供基于内存的HBase集群集成测试,使用可参考对应测试用例


  • 可以直接引入easy-hbase-core初始化对应连接后使用
  • spring-boot可以引入对应的starter和配置hbase基础连接信息即可