Be carefull with the Synch_To directory the script deletes ALL files that are not similier to the Synch_From directory!
Short Info:
- What does this script? - The script is thought to synch two directorys or whatever you want.
- How to use it? - To use it correctly you have to change the 3 paths at the top of the script. (Called: Synch_From, Synch_From, Safe_Log) - You also need a python interpreter and the at the button mentioned pip projects. (Technicly required) - Make sure that your user has the rights to change/delete the directorys and files!
Required python projects:
- Pandas --> see to install
- Ipython --> see to install
- Datetime --> see to install
Don't want to synch every directory?
- The script ignores every file or directory that contains "DONT_SYNCH_DIR". (Either the copy from directory and the copy to directory)
Enjoy (: