Alesafe is a CLI password manager tool for setting up and retrieving your passwords. Basic functionality in place, but still a WIP, among todos are better argument flags and terminal UI.
The general gist of it is that the application creates a file in your home directory:
This JSON file contains the following format:
"aleSafeSecurity": {
"masterPasswordHash": "your hashed master password, remember this one",
"salt": "some salt",
"iterationCount": 1000
"credentials": [
"website1": "name of website1",
"username1": "your username to website1",
"password": "your password (encrypted) to website1",
Using different Alesafe commands you can add, retrieve and list your credentials. It requires a master password to access, but given a valid master password users will be able to read their saved credentials.
Have a look at the example file
Install it
npm install alesafe
Setup your alesafe configuration
alesafe setup
For retrieving a specific password
alesafe get
For retrieving all passwords
alesafe list
For adding a new password
alesafe add