It's A Basic Libary To Easily Create Notifications via. JS
First: Download Code And Then Import notf.js
Bottom At Your Page With <script src="notf.js"></script>
After Importing JS File, Import style.css
With <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
. Then Import Material Icons With <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
To Create Notifications, Use createNotf(params)
autoClose: boolean
| Automaticly Close Notification
autoCloseTime: number
| After How Many Miliseconds the Notification Will Be Closed. If You Enabled Auto-Close, You Should Definitely Use This Parameter.
closable: boolean
| Make Notification Closable With Tiny X
icon: path (File Or URL)
| Sets Tiny Icon
iconText: string
| Sets the Text Next to the Tiny Icon
title: string
| Sets Title
image: path (File OR URL)
| Sets Large Image
body: string
| Sets Body
createNotf({autoClose: true, autoCloseTime: 5000, closable: true, icon: "", iconText: "YouTube", title: "Kaxözæ", image: "", body: "Uploaded A New Video!" })