This module deploys a 3-tier VPC. The following resources are managed:
- OpenIdConnectProvider
- IAM Role for GitHub Actions to assume
- If there is no aws_account.yaml file in config folder, create new one, example can be found in aws_account-template.yaml file. Add a file name aws_account.yaml in config folder and add your account name and id
- name: sandpit1
account_id: 'your aws account id - please leave the quote here so we do not face type error'
- Add a file name repo.yaml in config folder and add your repo
- repo: your_repo/*
- Obtain aws credential for the aws account (check ~/.aws/credential or ~/.aws/cli/cache)
- export your environment variable if you do not want to use the default one. This variable is used in bin/index.ts
- synth: cdk synth
- deploy: cdk deploy
- destroy: cdk destroy