Hacktoberfest is a program by Digital Ocean, DEV and Github, where you can easily win a T-Shirt just by making 4 pull requests in the month of October to any open source projects on Github.
graph LR
Z(fork this repo) --> A(Choose Task Type) --> B(C)
A --> C(C++)
A --> D(Java)
A --> E(Python)
A --> F(other)
B --> G(write any C program) --> L
C --> H(write any C++ program) --> L
D --> I(write any Java program) --> L
E --> J(write any Python program) --> L
F --> K(write any program in any other general purpose language) --> L
L(upload) --> N(raise PR) --> O(wait for review)
1. Register for Hacktoberfest at https://hacktoberfest.com/ or click here.
3. Create a new file and add a new Program in any programming language like C++, Java, Python, etc. (Note: No duplicate programs can exist!)
5. Create a new pull request from your forked repository (Button located at the top of your repository)
4. Please mention the extention of files while creating them (e.g if file is of java language create file named "xyz.java").
- Addition of two numbers given by user
- Reversing the string entered by user
- Conversion of a number system to another number system (Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal)
- Change the temperature from Celcius to Farenheit
- Find the factorial of a number entered by user
- Find the greatest number among the 5 given numbers by user
- Create the patterns using logic
- Dice Roll Generator - In each execution, a number from 1 to 6 will be printed randomly
- Different types of search algorithms
- Number Guessing Game
- Make calculator without using operators in program