Picar-X Racer is a robotics and AI platform designed to control the Picar-X vehicle on Raspberry Pi. It also supports AI, camera operations, multimedia functionality, and real-time object detection across other Linux-based systems like Ubuntu, with no robot required.
- Precise control and calibration of the Picar-X vehicle, with smooth, video-game-like responsiveness.
- Real-time object detection using YOLO-based models, with optional Google Coral or Hailo accelerators support.
- On-the-fly camera management with
, allowing seamless swapping between Raspberry Pi Camera Modules 2/3 and USB cameras directly from the UI, without stopping the robot or restarting the application. - Dynamic model management with support for pretrained YOLO-based models such as Ultralytics, as well as custom models, which can be uploaded and tested in real time without interrupting the running system.
- A standalone web interface for experiments or development, including object detection, video streaming, and data collection, operable independently of the robot.
- Photo capture tools with preview, downloading, and archiving options, useful for organizing data for AI projects.
- Browser compatibility for both desktop and mobile platforms (except Safari on iOS), with extensive customization features.
- Real-time 3D model visualization to monitor the robot's movement and orientation.
- Multimedia features including sound playback, music, and text-to-speech functionality.
Table of Contents
- Python 3.9-3.12
- Node.js (version 20 or higher)
- make
Picar-X Racer supports both the V4L2 and libcamera stacks, with the following backends:
- Uses ioctl for device enumeration and direct video capture.GStreamer
(V4L2 & libcamera) - Interacts directly with GStreamer via PyGObject (gi.repository.Gst), eliminating the need for OpenCV compilation.Picamera2
- Python API for libcamera, optimized for Raspberry Pi.
You can switch between them dynamically.
Before proceeding, install make if it isn’t already installed:
sudo apt install make
Also, ensure that Node.js is installed, as it is used for building the UI.
Install Node.js via NVM (Recommended)
Using Node Version Manager (NVM) is often the easiest and most flexible way to install Node.js. It allows you to easily manage multiple Node.js versions.
Install NVM by running the install script:
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.40.1/install.sh | bas
Then, restart your shell (or source your profile):
source ~/.bashrc
Install the desired version of Node.js (for example, the latest LTS version):
nvm install --lts
Verify the installation:
node -v npm -v
For more details, refer to the NVM repository.
Standard Installation without NVM
You can install Node.js using your package manager. Note that repositories sometimes offer older Node.js versions. To get a recent version, you might want to use NodeSource's binaries.
Option A: Use your distribution’s package manager (might not be the latest version):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs npm
Option B: Use NodeSource to install a recent version (for example, version 20):
Add the NodeSource repository:
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x | sudo -E bash -
Install Node.js:
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Verify the installation:
node -v npm -v
Clone this repository to your Raspberry Pi:
git clone https://github.com/KarimAziev/picar-x-racer.git ~/picar-x-racer/
Navigate to the project directory:
cd ~/picar-x-racer/
Install dependencies and build the project in a virtual environment.
make all
You may be prompted to enter your password to create a polkit
rule. This rule allows the application to power off and restart the machine from the UI, as it does not run with sudo
If you want to skip the creation of the polkit
rule, run:
make all INSTALL_FLAGS="--skip-polkit"
You can view all available installation options by running:
make backend-venv-install INSTALL_FLAGS="--help"
To preview the installation steps before executing them, run:
make backend-venv-install INSTALL_FLAGS="--dry-run"
That's all! This is a one-time setup.
You can launch the project by running the following command in the project directory:
make backend-venv-run
Alternatively, to avoid starting it manually every time, you can run the script below (in the root of the project directory) to configure the application to start automatically upon boot:
bash ./setup-service.sh
Once the application is running, open your browser and navigate to the following URL (replace <your-raspberry-pi-ip>
with your Raspberry Pi's actual IP address):
After accessing the control interface, you can customize your experience through the settings panel.
The Settings menu enables you to manage every aspect of your Picar-X Racer experience. It provides extensive customization for multimedia, object detection, keybindings, and much more.
To access settings:
- Click on the settings icon in the top-left corner of the UI.
- Alternatively, press:
to open general settings.?
to directly access the keybindings menu.
Here are the key sections of the Settings menu:
- Toggle visibility of interface components: gauges, speedometer, 3D car view, object detection panel, etc.
- Configure camera parameters: distance measure delay, video quality, and more.
- Enable or disable advanced features, such as automatic photo downloading and distance measurement.
You can dynamically manage models either from the settings menu or from the quick panel:
- Load new models on the fly.
- Export models using
and specify the required parameters (e.g., resolution). - Switch between YOLO models (e.g.,
) or Google Coral.tflite
models without restarting the server.
Every function of the car and interface can be mapped to specific keys.
- Default values are provided, but you can edit any setting directly from this tab.
- Alternatively, use the "Shortcuts Settings Menu" on screen (
Robot Configuration includes control settings, calibration, hardware config, pin mapping, etc.
Set up predefined language packs and save custom lines of text for real-time conversion to speech.
- Upload background tracks or sound effects.
- Manage existing multimedia files via the interface.
- Choose default background music to be played while operating the car.
Manage and download photos taken with the Picar-X into your local environment.
The application integrates object detection capabilities using custom and pretrained machine learning models, allowing to identify and track specific objects in real time.
- Dynamically load and select YOLO-based models directly through the interface. Models can be added and configured via the "Available Models" panel.
- Set confidence thresholds, detection styles, and labels flexibly using the detection panel's UI settings.
- Use Google Coral Accelerator for better performance on edge devices.
- Export models with different image sizes and specify these sizes in the interface, removing the limitation on model export resolutions.
Follow these steps to enable real-time object detection:
- Access the Detection Panel from the left side of your interface.
- Use the "Available Models" dropdown to select or load your YOLO model.
- Configure the detection panel with appropriate parameters:
- Image size: Match the size your model expects (e.g.,
). - Threshold: Control overlay synchronization (e.g.,
- Image size: Match the size your model expects (e.g.,
- Select the Style you want for detection overlays and start detection.
- Box: Bounding boxes with class labels and confidence.
- Aim: A minimalistic crosshair over detected objects.
- Mixed: A combination of box annotations and aim visuals.
- Pose: Draws keypoints representing specific body joints without boxes. Requires pose estimation model, i.e. yolo11n-pose.pt.
- Toggle switch to activate detection.
Output results, such as bounding boxes and labels, will immediately appear on the live camera feed.
You can upload pre-trained YOLO (.pt), Hailo (.hef), or TFLite models for Edge TPU via the UI. Simply click Add Model, browse for your file, and verify that the settings correspond to your model's requirements.
Ensure that the configuration (for example, the image size) matches your model during export or detection, unless you are using a Hailo model (its input shape is extracted automatically).
If you want to harness the Hailo Accelerator for real-time object detection, you can load your Hailo model (in the .hef
format) via the UI - just as you would with any custom model.
To use it, simply upload your Hailo model via the Add Model button in the UI. Alternatively, you can manually place your model file (ensuring it has a .hef
extension) into the project's data directory.
Unlike other models, the Hailo Accelerator requires you to explicitly specify detection labels. By default, the system uses the standard coco2017 labels. To customize these labels, set the HAILO_LABELS
environment variable (or configure it in the .env
file) to point to your custom labels file. If your labels file resides in the project's data directory, you can specify a relative path; otherwise, provide an absolute path.
No manual configuration of the image size is required when using a Hailo model - the app automatically reads the model’s native input shape. As a result, any image size settings specified in the UI will be disregarded.
Once loaded, your Hailo-based model will deliver fast and efficient object detection on your Raspberry Pi or other supported platforms.
Inference performance directly on the Raspberry Pi can be suboptimal due to limited processing power. A great way to enhance this is by using the Google Coral Edge TPU in combination with the Raspberry Pi, which significantly boosts inference speed.
To set up your model with Coral Edge TPU, make sure to follow the Ultralytics guide, but take note of specific steps required for exporting your model as a Coral-compatible .tflite
The image size for the model should be set to 320x320
before exporting to ensure optimal performance on the Coral TPU. You can use our provided export_model.py
script to assist with exporting your YOLO model for Coral TPU use.
Run the export script as follows:
cd /path/to/picar-x-racer/backend/
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install tensorflow
python export_model.py
For more options, run the script with the help argument:
python export_model.py --help
By default, the script will read from data/yolov8n.pt
and export the model to data/yolov8n_full_integer_quant_edgetpu.tflite
. If you're using relative paths for input or output, they will be resolved into the data/
directory automatically.
For instance:
- Input:
- Output: The model will be saved as
You can then copy the exported .tflite
model to your Picar-X Racer using the following command:
scp /path/to/picar-x-racer/data/yolov8n_full_integer_quant_edgetpu.tflite pi@raspberrypi.local:/home/pi/picar-x-racer/data/
Ensure that /path/to/picar-x-racer/
is your local project path and raspberrypi.local
is replaced with your Raspberry Pi's actual hostname or IP address. This loads the Coral Edge TPU-optimized model directly onto the Pi's file system, ready for use.
On the Raspberry Pi, follow these steps to install tflite-runtime
cd picar-x-racer/backend/
source .venv/bin/activate
pip uninstall tensorflow tensorflow-aarch64
pip install tflite-runtime
Then you can run the application. If you encounter errors, such as Failed to load delegate from libedgetpu.so.1.0 with tflite_runtime
, you may need to download a pre-built wheel that matches your libedgetpu
version and Python version.
Identify Python Version:
python --version
Assume Python 3.10 (
Python 3.10.x
). -
Download the Matching tflite-runtime Wheel:
From feranick/TFlite-builds, download the wheel for TensorFlow Lite Runtime 2.17.0.
For Python 3.10 on aarch64:
wget https://github.com/feranick/TFlite-builds/releases/download/v2.17.0/tflite_runtime-2.17.0-cp310-cp310-linux_aarch64.whl
Install the Wheel:
pip install tflite_runtime-2.17.0-cp310-cp310-linux_aarch64.whl
If your Python version or architecture is different, download the appropriate wheel.
If you face issues with recognizing the device, you can try adding the following udev rules and configurations:
Edit udev rules:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/65-edgetpu.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="apex", GROUP="users", MODE="0660"
# Edge TPU in application mode
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1a6e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="089a", \
ACTION=="bind", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe gasket", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe apex"
# Edge TPU in bootloader mode
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTRS{idProduct}=="9302", \
ACTION=="bind", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe gasket", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe apex"
Reload udev rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
sudo usermod -aG plugdev $USER
Then reboot.
Enhance your video streaming experience with real-time video effects modes.
- None: No enhancement is applied. The standard video feed is displayed.
- RoboCop Vision: Simulates the visual effects seen in the RoboCop movies, including grayscale conversion, edge detection, scan lines, targeting reticles, and a heads-up display (HUD) overlay.
- Predator Vision: Simulates the thermal vision effect from the Predator movies, applying a thermal color map to highlight heat signatures.
- Infrared Vision: Highlights warmer areas in the image to simulate infrared imaging, useful for detecting heat sources.
- Ultrasonic Vision: Creates a monochromatic sonar effect by applying edge detection and a bone color map, simulating ultrasonic imaging.
- Switch Enhancement Modes: Use the keybindings
(Next Enhance Mode) andE
(Previous Enhance Mode) to cycle through the available video enhancer modes. - Real-time Application: Enhancements are applied in real-time to the live video feed, providing immediate visual feedback.
- Improved Visibility: Enhance video feed visibility in low-light conditions or high-contrast environments.
- Edge Detection for Navigation: Use edge detection modes to assist with navigation and obstacle avoidance.
- Educational and Research: Experiment with different image processing techniques for educational purposes or computer vision research.
Activates a mode where the car automatically adjusts its movements to avoid obstacles based on distance measurements from a sensor.
While you can calibrate directly in the settings popup, doing so is not very convenient. You can start the calibration either from the settings menu by clicking the "Start calibration" button or by using the keybinding (default is "C").
In this mode, you can adjust the angle for servo direction, camera pan, and camera tilt. Some commands are remapped:
Original Command Label | Original Key | New Command Label | New Command Description |
Move Left | a |
Decrease Servo Direction | Decreases the calibration angle for the servo direction. |
Move Right | d |
Increase Servo Direction | Increases the calibration angle for the servo direction. |
Camera Down | ArrowDown |
Decrease Camera Tilt Cali | Decreases the calibration angle for the camera's tilt. |
Camera Up | ArrowUp |
Increase Camera Tilt Cali | Increases the calibration angle for the camera's tilt. |
Camera Left | ArrowLeft |
Decrease Camera Pan Cali | Decreases the calibration angle for the camera's pan. |
Camera Right | ArrowRight |
Increase Camera Pan Cali | Increases the calibration angle for the camera's pan. |
Reset Camera Orientation | 0 |
Reset Calibration | Resets all calibration settings. |
Hides a video stream view and focuses on controlling the car using just a 3D model visualization. The mode is supposed to be used with active Auto Measure Distance Mode, which activates the ultrasonic measurement, and the 3D visualization will visualize the ultrasonic distance.
To install dependencies, run:
make frontend-install backend-venv-install
To start both the backend and frontend servers in watch mode (automatically reloading on file save), run:
make dev
Run the following command to execute the tests:
make tests
You can access the API documentation at:
(for the car control server)
Two servers are used, with the car control server running in a separate process from the main server to ensure that control operations are never blocked.
This project is a work in progress. New features and improvements are being continuously added.