Quentin Husson - Louis Galland
Forensic - Project B3
This tool generates thumbnails for CFG of functions from binary files.
It takes all function of a binary executable and generates their CFG in 10x10cm in .PNG
format. It is based on radare2 and Graphviz.
The installation is really simple, with few dependencies:
apt install radare2 graphviz imagemagick
To graph all functions' CFG:
./bincfg.sh -n BINARY_PATH -F
Thumbnails will be saved in ./BINARY_PATH_CFG/
Others features:
./bincfg.sh -h # Display the help
./bincfg.sh -n BINARY_PATH -c # Graph the global CFG of the binary
./bincfg.sh -n BINARY_PATH -l # List all functions of the binary
./bincfg.sh -n BINARY_PATH -f function_name # Graph the CFG of a specific function
Here is a screenshot of thumbnails for a tiny binary: