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Dec 5, 2021

NoSQL Database

This file contains the notes that I have taken by watching this video.

In that course, the instructor is teaching the following stuff:

  • NoSQL
  • What is NoSQL
  • NoSQL vs SQL
  • 4 types of NoSQL databases
  • Explanation, Example, Exercise would be given
  • Implementing the newly learnt concepts in 2 real life use cases (Projects)

What is NoSQL?

  • It is an approach to Database Management.
  • It is considered to be super flexible as it allows for a variety of data models such as:
    • Key-Value
    • Document
    • Tabular
    • Graph

data models

  • These are the 4 we will be looking at in multi-model databases.

  • We have already mentioned that NoSQL databases are casually considered to be flexible; but officially the defining characteristics of NoSQL databases are considered to be that they are:

    • Non-relational
    • Distributed
    • Scalable
  • Distributed refers to running on clusters of machines globally distributed to support apps at different geographical locations.

  • Scalable means that NoSQL databases are able to store and query large scale data as well as support high transaction throughput scaling horizontally.

  • In addition to this, they are also partition tolerant -- meaning that they are able to work in the presence of network partitioning.

  • They are also highly available -- meaning that they are able to send requests even when some machines go down. They can do this as they have data replication built-in.

  • Non-Relational - let's see what it entails. To understand this fully, we need to look at relational databases first. The relational data model and SQL were designed for databases that work on a single machine and scale vertically. We will go into this in a bit more detail later on. In fact, everything that is mentioned in this point is in contrast to what relational database is all about which is:

    • Atomicity
    • Consistency
    • Isolation
    • Durability

    or A.C.I.D for short. We are discussing relational databases as to understand where NoSQL came from. We have to look at them as well as SQL.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

  • SQL stands for Structured Query Language.
  • It is used for relational databases.
  • By relational, it means a collection of tables with rows and columns that stores a specific set of structured data.
  • NoSQL is used for non-relational and relational databases.
  • NoSQL means not only SQL. You can use SQL in it if you want to.
A database management approach Not a database management approach
Not a Query Language A Query Language

Why use NoSQL?

There are 2 reasons for it.

  • Application Development Productivity
  • Large Scale Data

Application Development Productivity

  • When developing an app, there is a significant amount of time spent on organizing data.
  • By organizing, I mean mapping data between in-memory data structures and a relational database.
  • So, in another words, a type of database that supports SQL.
  • As a Non Relational Database Mangement approach, NoSQL can provide a data model that benefits the application's need and in turn makes our lives easier in the long run.
  • As the data model is most suited for the application, it makes the debugging and writing code easier and as well as allows easy evaluation.

Large Scale Data

  • As we know organizations today love to capture as much data as possible to improve their offerings as well as other things.
  • However, capturing large amount of data and processing it quickly is expensive in terms of operation.
  • So, whilst it is easy to do so with relational databases, it is usually more economic to run large data and processes on lots and lots of little cheaper machines or clusters that NoSQL databases are explicitly designed to run on rather than one large one large one as it is typical for relational databses.

In conclusion, NoSQL is a database management approach. The characteristics we can expect from a NoSQL database are that it is:

  • Non-Relational
  • Distributed
  • Scalable


  • Now, when people look at NoSQL and SQL, they might be tempted to compare the two.
  • But by now, we know we can't do this.
  • Why again? This is because once again, NoSQL is a database management approach and SQL is a language. So, 2 completely different things.
  • It might be better going forward to start referring to NoSQL databases as Non-Relational databases.
Non-relational or NoSQL Relational
Uses SQL or doesn't use SQL Uses SQL
Not only tables with fixed columns & rows Tables with fixed columns & rows
Flexible Schema Fixed Schema
Scales out horizontally Scales up vertically

Setting Up

  • As mentioned there are 4 main types of NoSQL database systems each using a different data model.

  • Once again, they are:

    • Key-Value
    • Document
    • Tabular
    • Graph
  • Databases have multiple layers.

  • The first layer is an interface or in other words a visual platform where you can visit and interact with data which is where you find the format, the language and the transport.

  • In this course the interface that we are going to use is called DataStax Astra data management system.

  • DataStax Astra DB is an auto-scaling Database-As-A-Service built on Apache Cassandra designed to simplify cloud-native application development.

  • Because it is built on Apache Cassandra, one would be using the Cassandra Query Language or CQL.

  • CQL offers a model close to SQL in the sense that data is put in tables containing rows and columns.

  • It is through these languages that we interact with our database.

  • The next layer is the execution layer.

  • This is where we pass the incoming queries coming from our interface.

  • It is also used as an analyser and dispatcher.

  • Finally we have the storage layer in which the indexing of data happens.

The reason for using DataStax Astra is that it allows all 4 database models so that we need to sign up for different stuff for different purposes.

We can group these Database Management Systems into families according to the C.A.P Theorem. According to the C.A.P theorem, a NoSQL database cannot achieve consistency, availability and partition tolerance. It must sacrifice one of the three. For example, MongoDB and Kafka, chose to focus on CP and the DBMS that we are going to use (DataStaxAstra) is built on Apache Cassandra which chose to focus on A.P.

So to recap, what we are doing here is using DataStax Astra, which is an interface essentially, that will will allows us to work with NoSQL database, which is in this case, Apache Cassandra. To be exact, Apache Cassandra is an open sourced NoSQL distributed database. The language that we would use to communicate is Cassandra Query Language or CQL for short, which as mentioned is very similar to SQL. Most NoSQL databases have their own Query Language but not all.

In the DataStax Astra, create a database.

  • Name it as fcc_tutorial
  • Keyspace: tabular
  • Cloud provider: anything that you want, I am choosing AWS
  • Region: choose your closest region
  • When you create the DB, initially it will be pending.
  • Wait for it to turn active.

Now that we have set up our Database Management System let's start getting to some examples.

Tabular Type

  • It also known as Column Database Type or a Wide Column Database Type.
  • Tables are relational and come with a schema.
  • We will be creating a table called books and will be defining what kind of rows the table can take.
Field Name Type
Author Text
Title Text
Year Int
Categories Set of Text
Timestamp Timestamp

UUID = Universally Unique Identifier

In the DataAstrax dashboard:

  • Click on the database
  • Click on CQL Console
  • Type describe keyspaces;.
  • Keyspace means logical grouping of tables (in RDBMS, it would be database)
  • To use the newly created tabular keyspace, type use tabular;
  • Lets create a table in the tabular keyspace.
    bookid uuid,
    author TEXT,
    title TEXT,
    year INT,
    categories SET <text>,
    added TIMESTAMP,
    PRIMARY KEY (bookid)

uuid is a 128-bit label used for information in computer systems.

Primary key is something that allows us to identify records uniquely. The bookid will also be our partition key.

  • DESCRIBE keyspace tabular; will describe our newly created table.
  • To add a record,
(bookid, author, title, year, categories, added)
(uuid(), 'Bobby Brown', 'Dealing with Tables', 1999, {'programming', 'computers'}, toTimeStamp(now()));
  • To check if they have been inserted, you can check with this:
  • Inserting another record.
(bookid, author, title, year, categories, added)
(uuid(), 'Andrea Agnes', 'The Moon', 2001, {'space', 'non-fiction'}, toTimeStamp(now()));
  • Fetching a specific record
WHERE bookid = 2f0e7571-aa06-4716-bbc0-2f42880a007e;
  • Creating another table.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS restaurant_by_country (
    country TEXT,
    name TEXT,
    cuisine TEXT,
    url TEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY ((country), name, url)

Whatever we pass in PRIMARY KEY will be our partition key.


  • country - partition key
  • name, url - clustering keys

Inserting records into this new table.

INSERT INTO restaurant_by_country
(country, name, cuisine, url)
('POLAND', 'Wiejska Karczma', 'traditional', '');
INSERT INTO restaurant_by_country
(country, name, cuisine, url)
('SINGAPORE', 'The Shack', 'american', '');
INSERT INTO restaurant_by_country
(country, name, cuisine, url)
('UNITED KINGDOM', 'The Red Rose', 'pub', '');

Fetching all the newly inserted records.

SELECT * FROM restaurant_by_country;

Fetching a specific record:

SELECT * from restaurant_by_country
INSERT INTO restaurant_by_country
(country, name, cuisine, url)
('SINGAPORE', 'The Hut', 'lebanese', '');
SELECT * from restaurant_by_country

Document Type Model

  • Document or document oriented database types are arguably one of the easiest types to deal with.
  • This is because they require no schema.
  • In tabular data model, we had to define schema, but here we don't.
  • As long as our data comes as an object, it is fine.
  • The objects are made up of keys and values.
  • Example of an object in a to-do-list application:
    "id": 0,
    "title": "Fix Bike",
    "description": "Fix bike before housemate finds out",
    "done": true
  • The values part in these objects can be numbers, strings, boolean or another object.
  • This is called JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and is the popular format for document database types.
  • A group of documents is called a collection.
  • So, we will not be using the word tables anymore.
  • It has been replaced by collections.
  • So, keep that in mind moving forward.

  • Lets make a collection of to-do items using a Document API.
  • An API stands for Application Programming Interface.
  • They allow for technologies to essentially talk with each other and are essential to so many services we rely on today.
  • Examples of API
    • twitter API - to fetch tweets
    • Map API - for delivery services

HTTP Request Methods

The most common are:

  • GET Request
  • POST Request
  • PUT Request
  • DELETE Request

Creating a new keyspace: document

  • Create a new keyspace in the DataStax Astra dashboard.
  • To work with document types, we have to connect with a document API.
  • Before we do that, we have to get a token in order to communicate with our database.
  • To do this, go to Settings -> Application Settings -> Organization Settings -> Choose Adminsrator user -> Generate Token.
  • Copy Token.
  • Click on the database -> Connect -> Swagger UI
  • Create a new empty collection by choosing this
Create a new empty collection in a namespace
  • Click on Try it Out.
  • Under X-Cassandra Token paste the token value that you copied in above step.
  • Under namespace-id fill document in it because that is the one that we created.
  • In the body, add the JSON data for the new collection name.
    "name": "first_collection"
  • Scroll down and click Execute.
  • If it went successfully, you would be getting a response status of 201.

Adding stuff into the collection
  • Lets add new stuff into the newly created collection.
  • Go to the following endpoint.
Create a new document
  • Click on Try it Out.
  • Fill in the token.
  • namespace-id -> document
  • collection-id -> first_collection
  • In the body I am gonna add this
    "id": 1,
    "title": "Make Dinner",
    "description": "Make dinner for friends coming over.",
    "done": false
  • Click on Execute.
  • If it all went fine, you will get a 201 response with a JSON object containing the documentId.

Getting all the documents present in a collection
  • Lets fetch all the objects present in a collection.
  • Go to the following endpoint.
Search documents in a collection
  • Click on Try it Out.
  • Fill in the token.
  • namespace-id -> document
  • collection-id -> first_collection
  • Click on Execute.
  • If it all went fine, you will be getting a response code of 200 along with a response body that has all the items.

Get a specific document
  • Lets fetch a specific document from a collection.
  • Go to the following endpoint.
Get a document
  • Click on Try it Out.
  • Fill in the token.
  • namespace-id -> document
  • collection-id -> first_collection
  • document-id -> <id of the newly created document>
  • Click on Execute.
  • If it all went fine, you will be getting a response code of 200 along with a response body that has one item from from our collection based by its documentId

Fetching multiple records based on a condition
  • Lets add another document into the collection.
  • Go to the following endpoint.
Create a new document
  • Click on Try it Out.
  • Fill in the token.
  • namespace-id -> document
  • collection-id -> first_collection
  • In the body I am gonna add this
    "id": 2,
    "title": "Make Dinner",
    "description": "Clean Dishes after dinner",
    "done": false
  • Click on Execute.
  • If it all went fine, you will get a 201 response with a JSON object containing the documentId.
  • Let's add another document.
    "id": 10,
    "title": "Fix Shoes",
    "description": "Take Shoes to fix.",
    "done": false

Now lets try to fetch the records that have the title Make Dinner.

  • Go to the following endpoint.
Search documents in a collection
  • Click on Try it Out.
  • Fill in the token.
  • namespace-id -> document
  • collection-id -> first_collection
  • where -> {"title": {"$eq": "Make Dinner"}}
  • Click on Execute.
  • If it all went fine, you will be getting a response code of 200 along with a response body that has all the items.

Updating a document

You can use this end point to update a document that is present in a collection.

Create or update a document with the provided document-id

Feel free to play around the various endpoints present in the Swagger UI.

Key Value Database Model

  • They are considered to be the easiest database type and usually come looking like this:

    KEY     VALUE
    A1      AAA,BBB,CCC
    A2      111,222,333
    A3      CCC,111,XXX
  • There will be a key column and a value column.

  • You can actually have as many value columns as you wish.

  • The important thing here is that we can retrieve data back to us, i.e. an entire row by the key as that is the identifier in this case.

  • Example of a Key Value Database

Creating a new keyspace: keyvalue

  • In the DataStax Astra Dashbord, go to the databases tab and create a new keyspace with the name keyvalue.
  • This time let us use GraphQL as we have already used Document API before.
  • Click on Connect.
  • Open the GraphQL playground URL.
  • Add your Cassandra Token in the HTTP Headers.
  • By default the graphql query is:
    keyspaces {
  • To create a table using GraphQL run this command
mutation {
        keyspaceName: "keyvalue"
        tableName: "shop_inventory"
        partitionKeys: [{ name: "key", type: { basic: TEXT } }]
        values: [{ name: "value", type: { basic: TEXT } }]

If it all went fine, you will be getting this message in the output

    "data": {
        "createTable": true

Now that the table is created, lets add keys and values.

  • In the URL part, change /api/graphql-schema to /api/graphql/keyvalue.
  • We are adding keyvalue as that is the keyspace that we created earlier.
mutation {
    insertshop_inventory(value: { key: "3dr53", value: "beans" }) {
        value {

The line

insertshop_inventory(value: { key: "3dr53", value: "beans" })

is the insertion part.

  • The statement below it
value {

is added to return the newly added record in the table.

  • If it all went fine, you will be getting this:
    "data": {
        "insertshop_inventory": {
            "value": {
                "key": "3dr53",
                "value": "beans"
  • Lets add another item.
mutation {
    insertshop_inventory(value: { key: "42dhw", value: "shampoo" }) {
        value {
  • Before actually fetch the data using GraphQL, lets check if we can fetch the data in the CQL Console.

  • USE keyvalue;

  • DESCRIBE TABLE "shop_inventory";

  • SELECT * FROM "shop_inventory";

  • If you run the above queries in order, you can see the newly inserted records.

  • Lets now see how we can fetch them using GraphQL.

query {
    shop_inventory {
        values {
  • This would return this:
    "data": {
        "shop_inventory": {
            "values": [
                    "key": "42dhw",
                    "value": "shampoo"
                    "key": "3dr53",
                    "value": "beans"

Lets insert another record:

mutation {
    insertshop_inventory(value: { key: "dhe342", value: "coca cola" }) {
        value {

Now lets see how to delete a record.

mutation {
    deleteshop_inventory(value: { key: "dhe432" }) {
        value {

If we try to remove something by the value instead of the primary key that we have assigned, we will get an error.

Graph Type Data Model

  • Graph databases are a great way to store data that has relationsips between other pieces of data or in other words, nodes.
  • Each node is connected by an edge to represent this relationship.
  • For example, your friends on social media. You and your friends would be the nodes and the connection you have would be represented by the edges.
  • docker network create graph

Clone the repository

git clone

Go inside the newly created directory.

docker-compose up -d

It will take some time to set it up.

Graph Database will use Gremlin language. So, you can learn that and then implement it.