Restructured standard library for Common Lisp
- USE-PACKAGE only when extending package
- foo:! means "Create foo". For example, list:! == cl:list array:! == cl:make-array and so on. Also foo:! designates type.
- foo:? means "Is it foo?". For example, list:? == listp, hash-table:? == hash-table-p
- foo:$ means "destroy foo"
- Only minimum symbols in base package
- advanced-readtable
- iterate
- message-oo (not yet, will replace implementation of std.message)
Weak dependencies (not yet):
- cffi
- bordeax-threads
- closer-mop
Usage examples:
(std:defpackage #:test (:use #:base))
(std:in-package #:test)
(func:! sort (list)
(when list
(sort (list:filter list
(func:!! (x) (< x (list:first list)))))
(list:filter list (func:!! (x) (= x (list:first list))))
(sort (list:filter list
(func:!! (x)
(> x (list:first list))))))))
Of course, you may mix std and cl and use cl:lambda instead of func:!!.