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Rauf Salamzade edited this page Aug 2, 2024 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the lsaBGC-Pan wiki!

lsaBGC-Pan puts together some programs from the original suite (e.g. lsaBGC-Cluster, lsaBGC-See, lsaBGC-ComprehenSeeIve, and GSeeF) and some new programs (e.g. zol, lsaBGC-Reconcile [an updated version of lsaBGC-Divergence], and lsaBGC-Sociate). lsaBGC-Pan works on both bacterial and fungal genomes and can jointly process both antiSMASH and GECCO BGC predictions.

In summary, lsaBGC-Pan is a newer and recommended workflow to the previously available and workflows. We plan to continue development of this workflow but maintain support for and


  1. (overview of lsaBGC-Pan)[]
  2. comparison of workflows: what's different about lsaBGC-Pan compared to lsaBGC-(Euk)
  3. installation guide
  4. tutorial on GECCO based analysis of BGCs from Cutibacterium avidum and Cutibacterium acnes
  5. tutorial on joint AntiSMASH & GECCO analysis of BGCs from Streptomyces olivaceus
  6. tutorial on AntiSMASH analysis of BGCs from Aspergillus flavus
  7. guide to parameter selections during mid-way break
  8. explanation of final spreadsheet and visual reports
  9. details on new modules: lsaBGC-Reconcile and lsaBGC-Sociate