R Package with Functions used in Project IMPETUS.
For installing the latest release of this R package run the following code below:
# Enable repository from kwb-r
options(repos = c(
kwbr = 'https://kwb-r.r-universe.dev',
CRAN = 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))
# Download and install 'kwb.impetus in R
# Browse the 'kwb.impetus manual pages
help(package = 'kwb.impetus')
Checkout the Data Analysis
workflows for the Berlin case study site:
Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) using monthly open-data on
) andpotential evaporation
). For details on how this dataset was pre-processed, see here: dwd_berlin_monthly and -
Wasserportal for
surface water level/flow
andgroundwater level
from Berlin (https://wasserportal.berlin.de).