Users go up to doors and it either beeps at them angrily or opens with a poof of magic.
Admins add users, doors, and permissions. They can roam freely.
Bosses manage access to doors.
- Basically manages everything and everyone
- Add/manage doors, users, and roles
- Can enter anywhere
- Controlls access to owned doors
- Add users to doors
- Permanent (can enter freely)
- Temporary (limited time)
- One-time (limited number of uses/entries)
- View door logs
- Plebs
- Can view which doors they have access to (and with which restrictions)
- Door sends a request to the server with the card ID and door ID
- Server should log the request (door, user, time, success) and respond with whether the user has permission to enter
- Admins
- Can add/modify/delete all users and assign roles
- Can add doors to bosses
- Can add or modify permissions
- Boss
- Can add users to doors
- Users
- Can view which doors they have access to
Options in [square brackets] are optional.
Comments are in (round brackets) next to column names.
Arrows represent a relationship from a column -> to a table
- user_id
- first_name
- last_name
- password
- code (The user's RFID code)
- role_id ->
- created_by_id ->
- role_id
- name (eg. admin, user, boss)
- permissions (unix-like bits to represent which permissions the role has eg. 0b0101 means the user has permissions with bit 0 and 4)
Permissions: (A way to name permissions eg. add-door, add-user, etc.)
- permission_id
- bit (In which bit to store the information eg. 0 to store it in the first (rightmost) bit and 8 to store it in the third bit)
- name (Name for the permission)
- door_id
- code (Door/reader code)
- name (Friendly door name eg. Comp door)
- door_id ->
- user_id ->
- owner (Whether the user is the (one of the) owner(s) of the door)
- [opens_remaining] (Number of times the user can open the door at this point)
- [date_expires] (Date when the access expires)
- date_assigned
Log: (read only)
- door_id ->
- user_id ->
- access_granted (Whether the user was granted access on the request)
- date_logged