Dockerfile for mujoco200 environment. Visualization via X server.
This is a MuJoCo200 environment with mujoco-py== The simulator GUI can be visualised via X11 forwarding.
docker build -t "your image tag" .
or pull image from dockerhub
docker pull kjaebye/mujoco200:stable
docker run -it --name mujoco -v docker_ws:/root/docker_ws --gpus=all -v /tmp/.x11-unix:/tmp/.x11-unix -e GDK_SCALE -e GDK_DPI_SCALE -p 5022:22 ef6872bb9f6f /bin/bash
Restart the containner
docker restart mujoco
ssh to container
The host should have access to the container
xhost +
ssh root@ -p 5022
The default passwd of container is 123123.
Container runs as Xclient, and the hostPC runs as Xserver. SSH config has been already set in container. However, you must set Xserver.
cd /root/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin/
./simulate ../model/humanoid.xml