Python3 script that fetches FTA server for student schedules, parses data into a dict/json format.
- requests
- bs4
- flask
Send a HTTP GET request with the student alias appended at the end of URL to the server where it is hosted. Currently, the server is hosted at: OpenShift.
To get Bob's upcomming flights, you will need to send the following HTTP request:<BOB's Alias>
The server responds in the form of Json. It contains a top level key "Return" and the value contains one dictionary for each flights.An example response would be:
The server may respond with errors:
For example, when length of alias is < 4 the response would be: {"ERROR": "Invalid Alias: length < 4"}
- Return errors from FTA server, eg. user credential errors and etc.
- Order of flights: The Json data does not have flights in order of time and date.
- Date and Time: It is formated %day%/%month%/%year%T%Hour%:%Minute%
The server is hosted on a free account, as result of this it is limitted by:
- 1 cpu and 1GB of memory
- Resource Hibernation: Per Openshift Starter Plan description, "Your project resources sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity, and must sleep 18 hours in a 72 hour period".