Code that runs on ESP8266 targets converting them to hardware nodes that can connect to keeco hubs. Practically it is a universal web configurable MQTT device.
This application is a framework that can be used for various purposes. The actual code in Manage_IO.ino represents a MQTT controlled gate lock with RFID scanning. To have a different functionality you only need to change the content of Manage_IO.ino
Main features:
- OTA Enabled
- TLS fingerprint validation for MQTT communication
- mDNS name resolving for the MQTT server
- Connect to infrastructure wifi. Based on the availability of infrastructure wifi the SoftAP is auto enabled/disabled
- Serial port (over USB) interface to change settings (use {"command":"help"} to see available commands)
- Web interface for configuration (default password "12345678"). Automatically logged out in 5 minutes after login.
- SPIFFS to store configuration in JSON file
Upload the application to your device and use {"command":"help"} in the serial interface or navigate to your device's IP address and choose from the available options. The default password for the web interface is "12345678"
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- Arduino IDE
- Non-shipping libraries are included with the related URL commented
- SPIFFS is however used you do not need to upload any file
- For configuring the Device to join a WiFi network you only need a web-browser
- Pull the project from GitHub
- Build and download you code
- Observe your device's soft AP address in the Serial Monitor
- Use {"command":"help"} via the serial port to see the list of available commands
- Connect to your softAP (password: 12345678) and navigate to your device's IP address (default: in your web-browser
- Or by connecting to the serial port use: {command:"wifi", "ssid":"....", "password":"...."}
- Set your TLS Fingerprint via the serial port or via the webpage
- Connect your device to your infrastructure WiFi network
Login Page
General Settings
WiFi Settings
Serial Interface