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Ben Murray edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 50 revisions

Welcome to the ExeTera wiki!

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ExeTera topics

This wiki contains pages on a number of topics that should help you get up to speed using ExeTera with your dataset. These topics are:

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See Concepts for the basic concepts behind the file format and datatypes built on top of hdf5.

The data schema

See Data Schema for a detailed definition of the data schema and how to define it for a given dataset.

What does the import script generate?

See Import Script for a detailed definition of what is generated by the import script.

What does the processing script generate?

See Processing Script for a detailed definition of what is generated by the processing script.


Examples are currently split up into Basic Examples that are intended to get you opening datasets and reading and writing fields, and Intermediate Examples that get you into filtering, sorting and merging fields and groups. We are also planning to create a toy dataset and you can play with in a series of more extended examples through jupyter notebooks. Until then, please take a look at ExeTeraCovid's collection of tutorial notebooks for larger examples of how to use ExeTera.


This wiki covers the key concepts behind ExeTera's design and provides you with a number of examples to get started with making use of ExeTera on your datasets.

API documentation can be found at This is quite new, and so you may still prefer to look at the docstrings in the codebase.

Usage with python

Having run exetera import, you should have a hdf5 file containing the fields imported from the source csv files, along with additional fields that have been generated from the source data. Once this is done, you can query fields, run custom analyses and write additional fields to your dataset (or to additional files).


We are committed to the ongoing development of ExeTera. Please see Roadmap for details on the additions and improvements that we plan to make in the upcoming releases.

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