A Google Doc Replica
- Mohamed mostafa abdalla
- Ahmed Ashraf Marzouk
- Kareem Amr Younes (ME)
- Ahmed Ali Qenawy
The goal of the project is to enable several users to edit and share the same document by assigning a unique ID to each document and putting it in a mongodb database. Client and server deployment on a Heroku host, together with delta storing of document changes To display the total number of users in the console, specify the clients connecting to the server in console.
Open two terminals at first, one for the client folder and the other for the server folder.
packages in both folders for downloading
You must upload the quill "*react" package, which will download the feart-dom package, as well as the react-scripts "*react-router," which will download the "react-router-dom" package and the "socketio-client" package, into the client folder.
You must upload the "mongoose" and "socket.io" packages to the server folder.
Write "pm run devStart" in the terminal to start the server.
Write "pm start" in the terminal to launch the client.