- Training images were collected by driving manually in the simulated track.
- Then new images where augmented using an augmentation engine, which altered brightness, added shadows, shifted images, and flipped images.
- A CNN architecture was build using Keras Python.
- The model was trained.
- The model was tested on the simulated track.
- Drive with collected data: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qqYwn64i4nKdcy_PMV0-THky_yjM6P-P?usp=sharing
- Video for model successfully passing track 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulbVYExslYo
- Helpful articles:
- Image augmentation: https://github.com/UjjwalSaxena/Automold--Road-Augmentation-Library
- Exaplnation 1: https://towardsdatascience.com/behavioural-cloning-applied-to-self-driving-car-on-a-simulated-track-5365e1082230
- Explanation 2: https://chatbotslife.com/using-augmentation-to-mimic-human-driving-496b569760a9#.5dpi87xzi