Represents a Q&A board for AtCoder users.
It is an unoffical bulletin board of AtCoder. Contestants can easily ask questions and answers.
*** DEMO ***
Comming soon.
- View AtCoder's contest problem list
- Ask a question for problems
- Answer these problems
- Vote for answers (Use a gem called Acts As Votable)
- Ruby 2.6+
- Ruby on Rails 5.2+
- RSpec
- MySQL 8.0.16
- Docker Desktop 19.03+
- Choose a problem and click "Open ▶︎" button on the right
- Choose a question from the list, click its link
- If you are logged in, you can ask a question and answer the question
Paste the following commands at a Terminal prompt.
$ git clone
# Build Dockerfile
$ docker-compose build
# Create and migrate DB
docker-compose run web rails db:create
docker-compose run web rails db:migrate
# Run docker container
$ docker-compose up -d
# Run a command (ex: View rails version)
$ docker-compose run web rails --version
# Restart docker container
$ docker-compose restart
# Run RSpec
$ docker-compose exec web bin/rspec
## Note:
if "exec: \"bin/rspec\": permission denied":
$ docker-compose exec web bash
$ chmod +x bin/rspec
# Stop docker container
$ docker-compose down
# Run the following command if needs.
$ cp .config/fish/functions/*.fish ~/.config/fish/functions/
# Usage
## See:
$ docker_usage
# Initial settings(build image and create and migrate database)
$ init
# Build Images
$ build
# Run docker container
$ start
# Run RSpec
$ run_rspec
## Note:
if "exec: \"bin/rspec\": permission denied":
$ docker-compose exec web bash
$ chmod +x bin/rspec
# Restart docker container
$ restart
# Stop docker container
$ stop
AtCoder Problems Information API