import aistrigh_nlp.utils as utils
text = 'Cá bhfuil ár nAthar?'
lowercased_text = utils.lowercase(text) # cá bhfuil ár n-athar?
from aistrigh_nlp.demutate_corpus import DemutateText
# Create a demutated dataset for NLP tasks
text = ['cá bhfuil a mhála ?', 'tá sé ar an mbord']
demutate = DemutateText(language='ga')
demutated_text, labels = demutate.demutate_corpus(text)
#>>> corpus = ['cá fuil a mála ?', 'tá se ar an bord'] #
# #
#>>> labels = [['none', 'uru', 'none', 'seimhiu'], #
# ['none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'uru'] #
# #
# Create a demutated dataset with a window to train a neural network
import aistrigh_nlp.demutate_window as window
text = 'cá bhfuil a mhála ?'
df = window.demutate_with_window(text, win_len=16, language='ga') # Returns a Pandas DF object
from aistrigh_nlp.predict_inference import PredictText
text = 'conaic mé madra sa clós'
data = 'path/to/data' # Neural Network data folder
predict = PredictText(language='ga', data_path=data, win_len=16)
predictions = predict.predict(text)
will be in a unusual form, like
The number in the middle is the length of the sequence. The tokens to the right are the labels of each word. <<SEP>>
is used to separate each token.
from aistrigh_nlp.apply_mutations import MutateText
mutate = MutateText(language='ga')
mutated_text = mutate.mutate_text(predicitons)
from aistrigh_nlp.bleu import celtic_bleu
# If you have a mutated reference and predictions (Standard NMT model)
ref = ["""Ref Text"""]
preds = ["""Pred Text"""]
standard_bleu, demutated_bleu = celtic_bleu(ref=ref, pred=preds, language='ga')
# If you have a demutated+original reference and demutated reference
# (i.e. used a demutated NMT model), you'll need to remutate your predictions using our neural networks
from aistrigh_nlp.bleu import celtic_bleu
dem_ref = ["""Demutated Ref Text"""]
dem_preds = ["""Demutated Pred Text"""]
orig_ref = ["Origianl Ref Text"]
data = '/path/to/data'
standard_bleu, demutated_bleu = celtic_bleu(dem_ref, dem_preds, 'ga', mutated_ref=orig_ref, data=data,