Word |
description |
gdb |
The GNU Debugger. A software running on the PC of the firmware developer. |
gdb-server |
A protocol that gdb uses to "speak" to the target through a probe. |
IEEE 1149.1 Standard that can be used for boundary scan and debug. |
probe / debug probe |
the device that connects the PC running gdb with the target that shall be debugged. / The microcontroller that runs the nomagic probe firmware. |
Serial Wire Debug. A protocol created by ARM. All ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers implement this protocol. |
target |
the microcontroller that runs the user code that shall be debugged. |
Communication Device Class - Seriel Interface |
Mass Storage Class - Thumb Drive |
Network Control Model - Ethernet Interface |
openOCD (since 0.12) <code> sudo openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000" </code>