...Prvi zadatak je bio složiti puzzle koje su idealne, odnosno one generirane programski na računaru. Ovaj zadatak predstavlja uvod za slaganje realnih puzzli, koje su obrađene u narednom dijelu rada. U tom dijelu su obrađeni i načini digitalizacije fizičkih puzzli tako da se iste mogu obrađivati u programu. Nakon dobijenog redoslijeda kojim puzzle trebaju biti poredane na slici, izvršen je i prikaz konačne složene puzzle. Pored ovoga prikazana su i vremena potreban da se slagalica složi do kraja...
...The first task was to put together puzzles that are ideal, that is, those generated by software on the computer. This task is an introduction to putting together real puzzles, which are dealt with in the next part of the paper. In that part, the methods of digitizing physical puzzles are also discussed so that they can be processed in the program. After obtaining the order in which the puzzles should be arranged in the picture, the final puzzle was displayed. In addition to this, the time needed to complete the puzzle is shown...