Check it out on BuildByBit
- CmdAliases: Create custom aliases for commands in the aliases.yml with permissions!
- CmdSigns: Create signs that run commands when right-clicked!
- Privatechest: Put a sign on a chest with [Privatechest] and only you can open it!
- /cmdplus reload <all/config/alias/sign>: reloads the config/alias/sign or all of the plugin!
- /cmdalias <create/list> : Create a alias ingame with permission or view the list of aliases!
- /trash or /bin open a chest gui were you can put blocks in and close it to dispose them!
- /privatechest open a private chest were you can store items!
- CmdSigns: cmdsign.use to create signs and cmdsign.edit to edit.
- CmdAliases: commandalias.use. to use this alias. You can set this to something else but I recommend using commandalias.use. .
- Privatechest: privatechest to use the private chest and cmdplus.privatechest.bypass and cmdplus.privatechest.admin to bypass the private chest/view someone's privatechest.