MPQP stands for Multi-Platform Quantum Programming. It is a python library we at Colibri felt the need for but couldn't find a solution. We are working on quantum algorithms, but until now, there was no good solution to study quantum algorithms across devices, compares the devices, etc...
MPQP is thus the solution we bring to the community to tackle this problem.
On this page, you will find:
- how to install the library;
- how to start using it;
- how to contribute to the development;
- and the current active contributors.
For now, we support python versions 3.9 to 3.11, and both Windows and Linux (specifically, if was validated on Ubuntu LTS 20.04, while Ubuntu 18.04 is not supported). MacOS versions will come very soon!
The preferred installation method is with the pipy
repo. In order to use this
installation method, simply run
pip install mpqp
You can also clone this repo and install from source, for instance if you need to modify something. In that case, we advise you to see the Contribute section of this document.
To get started with MPQP, you can create a quantum circuit with a few gates, and run it against the backend of your choice:
from mpqp import QCircuit
from mpqp.gates import *
from mpqp.execution import run, IBMDevice
circ = QCircuit([H(0), H(1), Rx(0,0), CNOT(1,2), Y(2)])
# ┌───┐┌───────┐
# q_0: ┤ H ├┤ Rx(0) ├─────
# ├───┤└───────┘
# q_1: ┤ H ├────■─────────
# └───┘ ┌─┴─┐ ┌───┐
# q_2: ───────┤ X ├──┤ Y ├
# └───┘ └───┘
# State vector: [0.-0.j 0.+0.5j 0.-0.5j 0.+0.j 0.-0.j 0.+0.5j 0.-0.5j 0.+0.j ]
# Probabilities: [0. 0.25 0.25 0. 0. 0.25 0.25 0. ]
# Number of qubits: 3
More details are available in our documentation.
To contribute, once you cloned this repo, you'll need to install the development dependencies.
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
We advise you to get in touch with us on our Discord server so we help you on any difficulty you may encounter along the way.
Two tools are useful when working on MPQP:
- the test suite
- the documentation generation
If you need to try out some behaviors of the library during the development, you can install it from source using the command.
pip install .
To run the test suite, run the following command:
python -m pytest
By default, long tests are disables to be more friendly to regularly run for
devs. The full suit can be run by adding the option -l
or --long
to the
previous command. This should still be run regularly to validate retro
The website documentation is generated with sphinx. You probably don't need to generate it if you work on new features, but if you want to help us by improving the documentation, you need to know two things:
- how our documentation is structured, i.e. most of it is in the docstrings in the code. This is done on purpose to keep code and documentation close together.
- you only need to run one command to generate the documentation:
sphinx-build -b html docs build
The changelog is generated from github's versions section. For this to work, you
need to get a github token with public repo read right and save is as an
environment variable with the key SPHINX_GITHUB_CHANGELOG_TOKEN
Alternatively, you can create a .env
file by duplicating the .env.example
one and removing the .example
extension, and replace in this file the ellipsis
by your token. This said, you don't need the changelog to generate to work on
the documentation.
Henri de Boutray - ColibriTD
Hamza Jaffali - ColibriTD
Muhammad Attallah - ColibriTD