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Added equinox-based tests
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MicheleCeresoli committed Jan 9, 2024
1 parent b30d4b0 commit 6ee3cb8
Showing 1 changed file with 197 additions and 10 deletions.
207 changes: 197 additions & 10 deletions test/rotations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ test_dir = artifact"testdata"
r2a = 180 / π * 3600
v2as = (x, y) -> acosd(max(-1, min(1, dot(x / norm(x), y / norm(y))))) * 3600

# With that epoch lists, retrieve all the required EOP data
eopfile = joinpath(test_dir, "eop", "txt", "eopc04_20.1962-now.txt")
eop_generate_from_txt(iers2010a, eopfile, joinpath(@__DIR__, "assets", "eopc04"))
eop_load_data!(joinpath(@__DIR__, "assets", "eopc04.eop.dat"), iers2010a)

@testset "Rotations" verbose=true begin

# Load EOP data
eop_load_data!(joinpath(@__DIR__, "assets", "eopc04_20.1962-now.eop.dat"), iers2010a)

@testset "CIO-based approach" verbose=true begin
@testset "CIRF-to-GCRF" verbose=true begin

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,16 +191,103 @@ eop_load_data!(joinpath(@__DIR__, "assets", "eopc04.eop.dat"), iers2010a)

ep1 = convert(TT, Epoch("2000-01-01T00:00:00 UTC"))
ep2 = convert(TT, Epoch("2020-01-01T00:00:00 UTC"))
eps = ep1:86400:ep2
epochs = ep1:86400:ep2

# To test the next rotations, we are using data retrieved from the matrix
# calculator available on the USNO website, which allows to retrieve the
# rotations for the TN36 Equinox-based approach.

# The EOP data is retrieved from the finals2000A file available at this epoch:
# 2024-01-09T21:00:00 UTC
eop_load_data!(joinpath(@__DIR__, "assets", ""), iers2010a)

# Since the USNO matrix calculator does not return matrices with fixed absolute
# accuracy (it always displays the coefficients in scientific notation with 9
# decimals), we are not able to test the rotation accuracy up to 1μas tolerances
# for all epochs. The epoch here select minimises the value of GAST, thus the small
# values of the coefficients allow to test the rotations to higher absolute
# tolerances!

ep_utc = Epoch("2009-09-21T00:00:00 UTC")
ep_tt = convert(TT, ep_utc)

tt_s = j2000s(ep_tt)

# Bias matrix (from EME2000 to ICRF)
B = [ 1.00000000e+00 7.07836869e-08 -8.05621421e-08;
-7.07836896e-08 1.00000000e+00 -3.30594317e-08;
8.05621398e-08 3.30594374e-08 1.00000000e+00];

# Precession matrix (from MOD to EME2000)
P = [ 9.99997192e-01 2.17365687e-03 9.44504641e-04;
-2.17365686e-03 9.99997638e-01 -1.03863700e-06;
-9.44504667e-04 -1.01439491e-06 9.99999554e-01];

# Bias-Precession-Nutation (from TOD to ICRF)
BPN = [ 9.99997017e-01 2.24017957e-03 9.73295316e-04;
-2.24020240e-03 9.99997490e-01 2.23662098e-05;
-9.73242769e-04 -2.45465216e-05 9.99999526e-01];

# GAST matrix (from GTOD to TOD)
GA = [9.99999994e-01 -1.09254238e-04 0.00000000e+00;
1.09254238e-04 9.99999994e-01 0.00000000e+00;
0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00];

# We now test that the GTOD frame obtained equals the TIRF for the IAU 2010A model.
# Since we've already validated the GCRF-to-TIRF routine, we don't require external
# test data for this
@testset "GCRF-to-MOD" verbose=true begin

M = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_mod(tt_s, iers2010a)
Mex = (B*P)'

@test abs(Mex[1, 1] - M[1, 1]) 1e-9
@test abs(Mex[2, 2] - M[2, 2]) 1e-9
@test abs(Mex[3, 3] - M[3, 3]) 1e-10

@test abs(Mex[1, 2] - M[1, 2]) 1e-12
@test abs(Mex[1, 3] - M[1, 3]) 1e-12
@test abs(Mex[2, 1] - M[2, 1]) 1e-12
@test abs(Mex[2, 3] - M[2, 3]) 1e-12
@test abs(Mex[3, 2] - M[3, 2]) 1e-12


@testset "GCRF-to-TOD" verbose=true begin

T = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_tod(tt_s, iers2010a)
Tex = BPN'

@test abs(Tex[1, 1] - T[1, 1]) 1e-9
@test abs(Tex[2, 2] - T[2, 2]) 1e-9
@test abs(Tex[3, 3] - T[3, 3]) 1e-10

@test abs(Tex[1, 2] - T[1, 2]) 1e-12
@test abs(Tex[1, 3] - T[1, 3]) 1e-12
@test abs(Tex[2, 1] - T[2, 1]) 1e-12
@test abs(Tex[2, 3] - T[2, 3]) 1e-12
@test abs(Tex[3, 2] - T[3, 2]) 1e-12


@testset "GCRF-to-GTOD" verbose=true begin
for j in eachindex(eps)

G = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_gtod(tt_s, iers2010a)
Gex = GA'*BPN'

@test abs(Gex[1, 1] - G[1, 1]) 1e-9
@test abs(Gex[2, 2] - G[2, 2]) 1e-9
@test abs(Gex[3, 3] - G[3, 3]) 1e-10

@test abs(Gex[1, 2] - G[1, 2]) 1e-11
@test abs(Gex[1, 3] - G[1, 3]) 1e-12
@test abs(Gex[2, 1] - G[2, 1]) 1e-11
@test abs(Gex[2, 3] - G[2, 3]) 1e-12
@test abs(Gex[3, 2] - G[3, 2]) 1e-12

# We now test that the GTOD frame obtained equals the TIRF for the IAU 2010A
# model. Since we've already validated the GCRF-to-TIRF routine, we don't
# need other external test data for this
for j in eachindex(epochs)

ep = eps[j]
ep = epochs[j]

S1 = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_tirf(j2000s(ep), iers2010a)
S2 = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_gtod(j2000s(ep), iers2010a)
Expand All @@ -211,8 +297,109 @@ eop_load_data!(joinpath(@__DIR__, "assets", "eopc04.eop.dat"), iers2010a)
@test v2as(S1*v, S2*v) 10e-6


# Now that we have evaluated the rotations from the GCRF, we can indirectly
# test the ones that start from the ITRF at multiple epochs
F = DCM{Float64}[]
for j in eachindex(epochs)
push!(F, iers_rot3_gcrf_to_itrf(j2000s(epochs[j]), iers2010a))

@testset "ITRF-to-MOD" verbose=true begin

for j in eachindex(epochs)

v_g = rand(BigFloat, 3)
v_i = F[j]*v_g; v_i /= norm(v_i)

tt_s = j2000s(epochs[j])

S1 = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_mod(tt_s, iers2010a)
S2 = iers_rot3_itrf_to_mod(tt_s, iers2010a)

@test v2as(S1*v_g, S2*v_i) 3e-6



@testset "ITRF-to-TOD" verbose=true begin

for j in eachindex(epochs)

v_g = rand(BigFloat, 3)
v_i = F[j]*v_g; v_i /= norm(v_i)

tt_s = j2000s(epochs[j])

S1 = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_tod(tt_s, iers2010a)
S2 = iers_rot3_itrf_to_tod(tt_s, iers2010a)

@test v2as(S1*v_g, S2*v_i) 3e-6



@testset "ITRF-to-GTOD" verbose=true begin

for j in eachindex(epochs)

v_g = rand(BigFloat, 3)
v_i = F[j]*v_g; v_i /= norm(v_i)

tt_s = j2000s(epochs[j])

S1 = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_gtod(tt_s, iers2010a)
S2 = iers_rot3_itrf_to_gtod(tt_s, iers2010a)

@test v2as(S1*v_g, S2*v_i) 3e-6




# ep_utc = Epoch("2009-09-21T00:00:00 UTC")
# ep_tt = convert(TT, ep_utc)

# tt_s = j2000s(ep_tt)

# # Bias matrix
# B = [ 1.00000000e+00 7.07836869e-08 -8.05621421e-08;
# -7.07836896e-08 1.00000000e+00 -3.30594317e-08;
# 8.05621398e-08 3.30594374e-08 1.00000000e+00];

# # Precession matrix
# P = [ 9.99997192e-01 2.17365687e-03 9.44504641e-04;
# -2.17365686e-03 9.99997638e-01 -1.03863700e-06;
# -9.44504667e-04 -1.01439491e-06 9.99999554e-01];

# M = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_mod(tt_s, iers2010a)
# M - (B*P)'

# T = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_tod(tt_s, iers2010a)
# Tex = BPN'

# T - Tex

# G = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_gtod(tt_s, iers2010a)

# begin
# Gex = (GA'*BPN')
# G-Gex
# end

# @testset "GCRF-to-MOD" verbose=true begin

# M = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_mod(tt_s, iers2010a)
# M - (P*B)'

# end

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