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MicheleCeresoli committed Jan 21, 2024
1 parent 419ef30 commit 04df44c
Showing 2 changed files with 177 additions and 1 deletion.
171 changes: 170 additions & 1 deletion test/eop.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,21 @@

using IERSConventions: eop_δX, eop_δY, eop_δΔψ, eop_δΔϵ

test_dir = artifact"testdata"

get_row(data, mjd) = findfirst(x -> x >= mjd, data[:, 1])
v2as = (x, y) -> acosd(max(-1, min(1, dot(x / norm(x), y / norm(y))))) * 3600

function gcrf_to_gtod(m, ttc, δΔψ, δΔϵ)

# Retrieve precession-bias matrix
PB = iers_pb(m, ttc)

# Retrieve MOD-to-GTOD rotation
RN = IERSConventions.mod_to_gtod3(ttc, m, δΔψ, δΔϵ)
return RN*PB


@testset "EOP Routines" verbose=true begin
@testset "EOP Parsers" verbose=true begin
@@ -383,4 +397,159 @@ get_row(data, mjd) = findfirst(x -> x >= mjd, data[:, 1])


@testset "EOP Conversion Functions" verbose=true begin

# DISCLAIMER: there are few rare cases over the entire 1972-2023 domain in which
# some of these tests are slightly violated.

r2as = 648000/π
as2r = π/648000

# We also read the same .CSV from the artifacts to be able to retrieve the
# uncertainties over the celestial pole offsets parameters
csv_dir = joinpath(test_dir, "eop", "csv")

eop10_filename = "eopc04_14_IAU2000.62-now"
eop96_filename = "eopc04_14.62-now"

# Here we load the EOP data for the 2010 model
eop10_filepath = joinpath(@__DIR__, "assets", eop10_filename)
eop96_filepath = joinpath(@__DIR__, "assets", eop96_filename)

eop_generate_from_csv(iers2010a, joinpath(csv_dir, eop10_filename*".csv"), eop10_filepath)
eop_generate_from_csv(iers1996, joinpath(csv_dir, eop96_filename*".csv"), eop96_filepath)

# This is the starting row index (it skips all dates before 2020)
id_s = 14882
id_e = 16881

# Load EOP data matrices
eop96_data = readdlm(joinpath(csv_dir, "eopc04_14.62-now.csv"), ';'; header=false)[id_s:id_e, :]
eop10_data = readdlm(joinpath(csv_dir, "eopc04_14_IAU2000.62-now.csv"), ';'; header=false)[id_s:id_e, :]

# Retrieve 2010 CIP corrections
δX_10i = convert(Vector{Float64}, eop10_data[1:end, end-3])*as2r
δY_10i = convert(Vector{Float64}, eop10_data[1:end, end-1])*as2r

σ_δX_10i = convert(Vector{Float64}, eop10_data[1:end, end-2])*as2r
σ_δY_10i = convert(Vector{Float64}, eop10_data[1:end, end])*as2r

# Retrieve 1980 nutation corrections
δΔψ_96i = convert(Vector{Float64}, eop96_data[1:end, end-7])*as2r
δΔϵ_96i = convert(Vector{Float64}, eop96_data[1:end, end-5])*as2r

σ_δΔψ_96i = convert(Vector{Float64}, eop96_data[1:end, end-6])*as2r
σ_δΔϵ_96i = convert(Vector{Float64}, eop96_data[1:end, end-4])*as2r

@testset "From 2010" verbose=true begin

eop_load_data!(iers2010a, eop10_filepath*".eop.dat")

for j in eachindex(σ_δΔϵ_96i)

row = eop10_data[j, :]

# Retrieve the epoch
ep_utc = Epoch("MJD $(Int(row[1])) UTC")
ep_tt = convert(TT, ep_utc)
ep_ut1 = convert(UT1, ep_tt)

tt_s = j2000s(ep_tt)
tt_c = j2000c(ep_tt)

ut1_d = j2000(ep_ut1)

# Retrieve CIP corrections
δX_96, δY_96 = eop_δX(iers1996, tt_c), eop_δY(iers1996, tt_c)
δX_03, δY_03 = eop_δX(iers2003a, tt_c), eop_δY(iers2003a, tt_c)
δX_10, δY_10 = eop_δX(iers2010a, tt_c), eop_δY(iers2010a, tt_c)

# Retrieve nutation corrections
δΔψ_96, δΔϵ_96 = eop_δΔψ(iers1996, tt_c), eop_δΔϵ(iers1996, tt_c)
δΔψ_03, δΔϵ_03 = eop_δΔψ(iers2003a, tt_c), eop_δΔϵ(iers2003a, tt_c)
δΔψ_10, δΔϵ_10 = eop_δΔψ(iers2010a, tt_c), eop_δΔϵ(iers2010a, tt_c)

# Here we test we are interpolating correctly the 2010 values
@test abs(δX_10 - δX_10i[j])*r2as 1e-7
@test abs(δY_10 - δY_10i[j])*r2as 1e-7

# For the 2003 and 1996 corrections, we test that the differences between the two
# models are below the error caused by the uncertainty of those corrections.

# For the 1996 corrections, we obtain residual differences of about 10 μas due to
# the neglection of the CIO locator. What we do is that we test that the uncertainty
# over the CIP offsets results in errors that are greater than those induced by not
# considering the CIO.

# 3σ - covers 99% of the cases
dxa = δX_10i[j] + 3σ_δX_10i[j]
dya = δY_10i[j] + 3σ_δY_10i[j]

Qr = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_cirf(tt_s, iers2010a)
Qu = iers_cip_motion(iers2010a, tt_c, dxa, dya)

Qb = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_cirf(tt_s, iers2003a)
Qc = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_cirf(tt_s, iers1996)

# We test that the differences between Q1 and Q2 are smaller than the differences
# caused by the uncertainty (over δX_10, δY_10)
for _ in 1:10
v = rand(BigFloat, 3)
vr = Qr*v
err = v2as(vr, Qu*v)
# 1.5 the error because it is just supposed to be a rule-of-thumb test
@test v2as(vr, Qb*v) 1.5err
@test v2as(vr, Qc*v) 1.5err

# Test the differences between 1996 models (predicted by us vs predicted by IERS).
# This means that any residual differences shouldn't matter!
@test abs(δΔψ_96 - δΔψ_96i[j]) 3σ_δΔψ_96i[j]
@test abs(δΔϵ_96 - δΔϵ_96i[j]) 3σ_δΔϵ_96i[j]

# 3σ - covers 99% of the cases
dpa = δΔψ_96i[j] + 3σ_δΔψ_96i[j]
dea = δΔϵ_96i[j] + 3σ_δΔϵ_96i[j]

# First-of-all we test that the differences between the IERS released 1980 corrections
# and the ones I am using cause errors that are smaller than those induced by the
# uncertainty over those parameters!
Ar = gcrf_to_gtod(iers1996, tt_c, δΔψ_96i[j], δΔϵ_96i[j])
Au = gcrf_to_gtod(iers1996, tt_c, dpa, dea)

Ab = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_gtod(tt_s, iers1996)

for _ in 1:10
v = rand(BigFloat, 3)
vr = Ar*v
@test v2as(vr, Ab*v) v2as(vr, Au*v)

# Here I could also technically test again that the differences in the
# GCRF-to-GTOD matrix caused by the different models are smaller than the differences
# induced by the uncertainties over the δX, δY parameters!
R = iers_era_rotm(iers2010a, ut1_d)

Br = R*Qr
Bu = R*Qu

Bb = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_gtod(tt_s, iers2003a)
Bc = iers_rot3_gcrf_to_gtod(tt_s, iers1996)

for _ in 1:10
v = rand(BigFloat, 3)
vr = Br*v
err = v2as(vr, Bu*v)

@test v2as(vr, Bb*v) err
@test v2as(vr, Bc*v) err




7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test/rotations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -71,6 +71,13 @@ v2as = (x, y) -> acosd(max(-1, min(1, dot(x / norm(x), y / norm(y))))) * 3600
data = readdlm(joinpath(test_dir, "obspm-cio", "obspm-era.txt"); skipstart=2)
n = length(axes(data, 1))

# In this test we have a residual error of about 20 μas with respect to the
# calculator of the IERS website. These differences are due to interpolation
# errors of about 1e-6 seconds (here ΔUT1 is manually extracted). Nevertheless,
# the average error of that parameter is of about 7 microseconds, which causes
# results in differences of about 100 μas (so the interpolation error is below
# the model accuracy anyway).

for j = 1:n
row = data[j, :]

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