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remove deprecated Threads.Atomics
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vtjnash committed Jan 17, 2025
1 parent beb7317 commit c98b43f
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Showing 2 changed files with 30 additions and 184 deletions.
176 changes: 20 additions & 156 deletions base/atomics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

using Core.Intrinsics: llvmcall

import .Base: setindex!, getindex, unsafe_convert
import .Base.Sys: ARCH, WORD_SIZE

Expand All @@ -13,45 +11,13 @@ export
atomic_and!, atomic_nand!, atomic_or!, atomic_xor!,
atomic_max!, atomic_min!,
# Filter out unsupported atomic types on platforms
# - 128-bit atomics do not exist on AArch32.
# - Omitting 128-bit types on 32bit x86 and ppc64
# - LLVM doesn't currently support atomics on floats for ppc64
# C++20 is adding limited support for atomics on float, but as of
# now Clang does not support that yet.
if Sys.ARCH === :i686 || startswith(string(Sys.ARCH), "arm") ||
Sys.ARCH === :powerpc64le || Sys.ARCH === :ppc64le
const inttypes = (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64,
UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64)
const inttypes = (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128,
UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128)
const floattypes = (Float16, Float32, Float64)
const arithmetictypes = (inttypes..., floattypes...)
# TODO: Support Ptr
if Sys.ARCH === :powerpc64le || Sys.ARCH === :ppc64le
const atomictypes = (inttypes..., Bool)
const atomictypes = (arithmetictypes..., Bool)

const IntTypes = Union{inttypes...}
const FloatTypes = Union{floattypes...}
const ArithmeticTypes = Union{arithmetictypes...}
const AtomicTypes = Union{atomictypes...}

Holds a reference to an object of type `T`, ensuring that it is only
accessed atomically, i.e. in a thread-safe manner.
Only certain "simple" types can be used atomically, namely the
primitive boolean, integer, and float-point types. These are `Bool`,
`Int8`...`Int128`, `UInt8`...`UInt128`, and `Float16`...`Float64`.
New atomic objects can be created from a non-atomic values; if none is
specified, the atomic object is initialized with zero.
Expand All @@ -72,10 +38,10 @@ julia> x[]
Atomic operations use an `atomic_` prefix, such as [`atomic_add!`](@ref),
[`atomic_xchg!`](@ref), etc.
mutable struct Atomic{T<:AtomicTypes}
Atomic{T}() where {T<:AtomicTypes} = new(zero(T))
Atomic{T}(value) where {T<:AtomicTypes} = new(value)
mutable struct Atomic{T}
@atomic value::T
Atomic{T}() where {T} = new(zero(T))
Atomic{T}(value) where {T} = new(value)

Atomic() = Atomic{Int}()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,120 +298,21 @@ julia> x[]
function atomic_min! end

unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, x::Atomic{T}) where {T} = convert(Ptr{T}, pointer_from_objref(x))
setindex!(x::Atomic{T}, v) where {T} = setindex!(x, convert(T, v))

const llvmtypes = IdDict{Any,String}(
Bool => "i8", # julia represents bools with 8-bits for now. # TODO: is this okay?
Int8 => "i8", UInt8 => "i8",
Int16 => "i16", UInt16 => "i16",
Int32 => "i32", UInt32 => "i32",
Int64 => "i64", UInt64 => "i64",
Int128 => "i128", UInt128 => "i128",
Float16 => "half",
Float32 => "float",
Float64 => "double",
inttype(::Type{T}) where {T<:Integer} = T
inttype(::Type{Float16}) = Int16
inttype(::Type{Float32}) = Int32
inttype(::Type{Float64}) = Int64

import ..Base.gc_alignment

# All atomic operations have acquire and/or release semantics, depending on
# whether the load or store values. Most of the time, this is what one wants
# anyway, and it's only moderately expensive on most hardware.
for typ in atomictypes
lt = llvmtypes[typ]
ilt = llvmtypes[inttype(typ)]
rt = "$lt, $lt*"
irt = "$ilt, $ilt*"
@eval getindex(x::Atomic{$typ}) =
GC.@preserve x llvmcall($"""
%ptr = bitcast i8* %0 to $lt*
%rv = load atomic $rt %ptr acquire, align $(gc_alignment(typ))
ret $lt %rv
""", $typ, Tuple{Ptr{$typ}}, unsafe_convert(Ptr{$typ}, x))
@eval setindex!(x::Atomic{$typ}, v::$typ) =
GC.@preserve x llvmcall($"""
%ptr = bitcast i8* %0 to $lt*
store atomic $lt %1, $lt* %ptr release, align $(gc_alignment(typ))
ret void
""", Cvoid, Tuple{Ptr{$typ}, $typ}, unsafe_convert(Ptr{$typ}, x), v)

# Note: atomic_cas! succeeded (i.e. it stored "new") if and only if the result is "cmp"
if typ <: Integer
@eval atomic_cas!(x::Atomic{$typ}, cmp::$typ, new::$typ) =
GC.@preserve x llvmcall($"""
%ptr = bitcast i8* %0 to $lt*
%rs = cmpxchg $lt* %ptr, $lt %1, $lt %2 acq_rel acquire
%rv = extractvalue { $lt, i1 } %rs, 0
ret $lt %rv
""", $typ, Tuple{Ptr{$typ},$typ,$typ},
unsafe_convert(Ptr{$typ}, x), cmp, new)
@eval atomic_cas!(x::Atomic{$typ}, cmp::$typ, new::$typ) =
GC.@preserve x llvmcall($"""
%iptr = bitcast i8* %0 to $ilt*
%icmp = bitcast $lt %1 to $ilt
%inew = bitcast $lt %2 to $ilt
%irs = cmpxchg $ilt* %iptr, $ilt %icmp, $ilt %inew acq_rel acquire
%irv = extractvalue { $ilt, i1 } %irs, 0
%rv = bitcast $ilt %irv to $lt
ret $lt %rv
""", $typ, Tuple{Ptr{$typ},$typ,$typ},
unsafe_convert(Ptr{$typ}, x), cmp, new)

arithmetic_ops = [:add, :sub]
for rmwop in [arithmetic_ops..., :xchg, :and, :nand, :or, :xor, :max, :min]
rmw = string(rmwop)
fn = Symbol("atomic_", rmw, "!")
if (rmw == "max" || rmw == "min") && typ <: Unsigned
# LLVM distinguishes signedness in the operation, not the integer type.
rmw = "u" * rmw
if rmwop in arithmetic_ops && !(typ <: ArithmeticTypes) continue end
if typ <: Integer
@eval $fn(x::Atomic{$typ}, v::$typ) =
GC.@preserve x llvmcall($"""
%ptr = bitcast i8* %0 to $lt*
%rv = atomicrmw $rmw $lt* %ptr, $lt %1 acq_rel
ret $lt %rv
""", $typ, Tuple{Ptr{$typ}, $typ}, unsafe_convert(Ptr{$typ}, x), v)
rmwop === :xchg || continue
@eval $fn(x::Atomic{$typ}, v::$typ) =
GC.@preserve x llvmcall($"""
%iptr = bitcast i8* %0 to $ilt*
%ival = bitcast $lt %1 to $ilt
%irv = atomicrmw $rmw $ilt* %iptr, $ilt %ival acq_rel
%rv = bitcast $ilt %irv to $lt
ret $lt %rv
""", $typ, Tuple{Ptr{$typ}, $typ}, unsafe_convert(Ptr{$typ}, x), v)

# Provide atomic floating-point operations via atomic_cas!
const opnames = Dict{Symbol, Symbol}(:+ => :add, :- => :sub)
for op in [:+, :-, :max, :min]
opname = get(opnames, op, op)
@eval function $(Symbol("atomic_", opname, "!"))(var::Atomic{T}, val::T) where T<:FloatTypes
IT = inttype(T)
old = var[]
while true
new = $op(old, val)
cmp = old
old = atomic_cas!(var, cmp, new)
reinterpret(IT, old) == reinterpret(IT, cmp) && return old
# Temporary solution before we have gc transition support in codegen.
ccall(:jl_gc_safepoint, Cvoid, ())
#const nand = (~) ∘ (&) # ComposedFunction generated very poor code quality
nand(x, y) = ~(x & y)

getindex(x::Atomic) = @atomic :acquire x.value
setindex!(x::Atomic, v) = (@atomic :release x.value = v; x)
atomic_cas!(x::Atomic, cmp, new) = (@atomicreplace :acquire_release :acquire x.value cmp => new).old
atomic_add!(x::Atomic, v) = (@atomic :acquire_release x.value + v).first
atomic_sub!(x::Atomic, v) = (@atomic :acquire_release x.value - v).first
atomic_and!(x::Atomic, v) = (@atomic :acquire_release x.value & v).first
atomic_or!(x::Atomic, v) = (@atomic :acquire_release x.value | v).first
atomic_xor!(x::Atomic, v) = (@atomic :acquire_release x.value v).first
atomic_nand!(x::Atomic, v) = (@atomic :acquire_release x.value nand v).first
atomic_xchg!(x::Atomic, v) = (@atomic :acquire_release x.value ((old,new)->new) v).first
atomic_min!(x::Atomic, v) = (@atomic :acquire_release x.value min v).first
atomic_max!(x::Atomic, v) = (@atomic :acquire_release x.value max v).first

Expand All @@ -462,7 +329,4 @@ fences should not be necessary in most cases.
For further details, see LLVM's `fence` instruction.
atomic_fence() = llvmcall("""
fence seq_cst
ret void
""", Cvoid, Tuple{})
atomic_fence() = Core.Intrinsics.atomic_fence(:sequentially_consistent)
38 changes: 10 additions & 28 deletions test/threads_exec.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -267,29 +267,12 @@ using Base.Threads

# Ensure only LLVM-supported types can be atomic
@test_throws TypeError Atomic{BigInt}
@test_throws TypeError Atomic{ComplexF64}

if Sys.ARCH === :i686 || startswith(string(Sys.ARCH), "arm") ||
Sys.ARCH === :powerpc64le || Sys.ARCH === :ppc64le

@test_throws TypeError Atomic{Int128}()
@test_throws TypeError Atomic{UInt128}()

if Sys.ARCH === :powerpc64le || Sys.ARCH === :ppc64le
@test_throws TypeError Atomic{Float16}()
@test_throws TypeError Atomic{Float32}()
@test_throws TypeError Atomic{Float64}()

function test_atomic_bools()
x = Atomic{Bool}(false)
# Arithmetic functions are not defined.
@test_throws MethodError atomic_add!(x, true)
@test_throws MethodError atomic_sub!(x, true)
# All the rest are:
# Arithmetic functions such as true+true returns Int
@test_throws TypeError atomic_add!(x, true)
@test_throws TypeError atomic_sub!(x, true)
# All the rest are supported:
for v in [true, false]
@test x[] == atomic_xchg!(x, v)
@test v == atomic_cas!(x, v, !v)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,10 +378,9 @@ end

# Test load / store with various types
let atomictypes = intersect((Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128,
UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128,
Float16, Float32, Float64),
let atomictypes = (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128,
UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128,
Float16, Float32, Float64)
for T in atomictypes
var = Atomic{T}()
var[] = 42
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,7 +408,7 @@ function test_atomic_cas!(var::Atomic{T}, range::StepRange{Int,Int}) where T
for T in intersect((Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64), Base.Threads.atomictypes)
for T in (Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64)
var = Atomic{T}()
nloops = 1000
di = threadpoolsize()
Expand All @@ -440,7 +422,7 @@ function test_atomic_xchg!(var::Atomic{T}, i::Int, accum::Atomic{Int}) where T
old = atomic_xchg!(var, T(i))
atomic_add!(accum, Int(old))
for T in intersect((Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64), Base.Threads.atomictypes)
for T in (Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64)
accum = Atomic{Int}()
var = Atomic{T}()
nloops = 1000
Expand All @@ -455,7 +437,7 @@ function test_atomic_float(varadd::Atomic{T}, varmax::Atomic{T}, varmin::Atomic{
atomic_max!(varmax, T(i))
atomic_min!(varmin, T(i))
for T in intersect((Int32, Int64, Float16, Float32, Float64), Base.Threads.atomictypes)
for T in (Int32, Int64, Float16, Float32, Float64)
varadd = Atomic{T}()
varmax = Atomic{T}()
varmin = Atomic{T}()
Expand Down

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