diff --git a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/lapack.jl b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/lapack.jl
index 5c2b66881585ce..b02f7818e0ad7d 100644
--- a/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/lapack.jl
+++ b/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/lapack.jl
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ for (gbtrf, gbtrs, elty) in
         #       INTEGER            INFO, KL, KU, LDAB, M, N
         # *     .. Array Arguments ..
         #       INTEGER            IPIV( * )
-        #       DOUBLE PRECISION   AB( LDAB, * )
+        # DOUBLE PRECISION AB( LDAB, * ) function gbtrf!(kl::Integer,
         function gbtrf!(kl::Integer, ku::Integer, m::Integer, AB::AbstractMatrix{$elty})
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ for (gbtrf, gbtrs, elty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($gbtrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
+                   Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}),
                   m, n, kl, ku, AB, max(1,stride(AB,2)), ipiv, info)
             AB, ipiv
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ for (gbtrf, gbtrs, elty) in
             ccall((@blasfunc($gbtrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   trans, n, kl, ku, size(B,2), AB, max(1,stride(AB,2)), ipiv,
                   B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info, 1)
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ for (gebal, gebak, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($gebal), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   job, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ilo, ihi, scale, info, 1)
             ilo[], ihi[], scale
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ for (gebrd, gelqf, geqlf, geqrf, geqp3, geqrt, geqrt3, gerqf, getrf, elty, relty
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($getrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
-                   Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
+                   Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}),
                   m, n, A, lda, ipiv, info)
             A, ipiv, info[] #Error code is stored in LU factorization type
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ for (tzrzf, ormrz, elty) in
                     (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                      Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                      Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
-                     Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                     Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                     side, trans, m, n,
                     k, l, A, lda,
                     tau, C, ldc, work,
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ for (gels, gesv, getrs, getri, elty) in
                 ccall((@blasfunc($gels), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                        Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       (btrn ? 'T' : 'N'), m, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)),
                       B, max(1,stride(B,2)), work, lwork, info, 1)
@@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@ for (gels, gesv, getrs, getri, elty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($getrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   trans, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info, 1)
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ for (gesvx, elty) in
                Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                Ref{UInt8}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
-               Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
+               Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
               fact, trans, n, nrhs, A, lda, AF, ldaf, ipiv, equed, R, C, B,
               ldb, X, n, rcond, ferr, berr, work, iwork, info, 1, 1, 1)
@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ for (gesvx, elty, relty) in
                Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                Ref{UInt8}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$relty},
-               Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
+               Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
               fact, trans, n, nrhs, A, lda, AF, ldaf, ipiv, equed, R, C, B,
               ldb, X, n, rcond, ferr, berr, work, rwork, info, 1, 1, 1)
@@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ for (geev, gesvd, gesdd, ggsvd, elty, relty) in
                           (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                            Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                            Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                           Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                           Ptr{$relty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                           jobvl, jobvr, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), W, VL, n, VR, n,
                           work, lwork, rwork, info, 1, 1)
@@ -1642,7 +1642,7 @@ for (geev, gesvd, gesdd, ggsvd, elty, relty) in
                           (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                            Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
                            Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
-                           Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                           Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                           jobvl, jobvr, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), WR, WI, VL, n,
                           VR, n, work, lwork, info, 1, 1)
@@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ for (geev, gesvd, gesdd, ggsvd, elty, relty) in
                           (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                            Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                            Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                           Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                           Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                           job, m, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), S, U, max(1,stride(U,2)), VT, max(1,stride(VT,2)),
                           work, lwork, rwork, iwork, info, 1)
@@ -1707,7 +1707,7 @@ for (geev, gesvd, gesdd, ggsvd, elty, relty) in
                           (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                            Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                            Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                           Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                           Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                           job, m, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), S, U, max(1,stride(U,2)), VT, max(1,stride(VT,2)),
                           work, lwork, iwork, info, 1)
@@ -1771,7 +1771,7 @@ for (geev, gesvd, gesdd, ggsvd, elty, relty) in
                           (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                            Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$elty},
                            Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
-                           Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                           Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                           jobu, jobvt, m, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), S, U, max(1,stride(U,2)), VT, max(1,stride(VT,2)),
                           work, lwork, rwork, info, 1, 1)
@@ -1779,7 +1779,7 @@ for (geev, gesvd, gesdd, ggsvd, elty, relty) in
                           (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                            Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
                            Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
-                           Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                           Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                           jobu, jobvt, m, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), S, U, max(1,stride(U,2)), VT, max(1,stride(VT,2)),
                           work, lwork, info, 1, 1)
@@ -2047,7 +2047,7 @@ for (f, elty, relty) in ((:zggsvd3_, :ComplexF64, :Float64),
                     Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                     Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                     Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
+                    Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
                     jobu, jobv, jobq, m,
                     n, p, k, l,
                     A, lda, B, ldb,
@@ -2691,7 +2691,7 @@ for (gtsv, gttrf, gttrs, elty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($gttrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}),
                   n, dl, d, du, du2, ipiv, info)
             dl, d, du, du2, ipiv
@@ -2724,7 +2724,7 @@ for (gtsv, gttrf, gttrs, elty) in
             ccall((@blasfunc($gttrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                    (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                     Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
-                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                    trans, n, size(B,2), dl, d, du, du2, ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info, 1)
@@ -2946,7 +2946,7 @@ for (orglq, orgqr, orgql, orgrq, ormlq, ormqr, ormql, ormrq, gemqrt, elty) in
                 ccall((@blasfunc($ormlq), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                        Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                       side, trans, m, n, k, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), tau,
                       C, max(1,stride(C,2)), work, lwork, info, 1, 1)
@@ -2994,7 +2994,7 @@ for (orglq, orgqr, orgql, orgrq, ormlq, ormqr, ormql, ormrq, gemqrt, elty) in
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                        Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                        Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                       Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                       side, trans, m, n,
                       k, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), tau,
                       C, max(1, stride(C,2)), work, lwork,
@@ -3044,7 +3044,7 @@ for (orglq, orgqr, orgql, orgrq, ormlq, ormqr, ormql, ormrq, gemqrt, elty) in
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                        Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                        Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                       Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                       side, trans, m, n,
                       k, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), tau,
                       C, max(1, stride(C,2)), work, lwork,
@@ -3093,7 +3093,7 @@ for (orglq, orgqr, orgql, orgrq, ormlq, ormqr, ormql, ormrq, gemqrt, elty) in
                 ccall((@blasfunc($ormrq), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                        Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                       side, trans, m, n, k, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), tau,
                       C, max(1,stride(C,2)), work, lwork, info, 1, 1)
@@ -3150,7 +3150,7 @@ for (orglq, orgqr, orgql, orgrq, ormlq, ormqr, ormql, ormrq, gemqrt, elty) in
                 (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                  Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                 Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                 Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                 side, trans, m, n,
                 k, nb, V, ldv,
                 T, max(1,stride(T,2)), C, max(1,ldc),
@@ -3267,7 +3267,7 @@ for (posv, potrf, potri, potrs, pstrf, elty, rtyp) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($posv), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info, 1)
@@ -3291,7 +3291,7 @@ for (posv, potrf, potri, potrs, pstrf, elty, rtyp) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($potrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
-                  (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                  (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, size(A,1), A, lda, info, 1)
             #info[] > 0 means the leading minor of order info[] is not positive definite
@@ -3312,7 +3312,7 @@ for (posv, potrf, potri, potrs, pstrf, elty, rtyp) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($potri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
-                  (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                  (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, size(A,1), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), info, 1)
@@ -3342,7 +3342,7 @@ for (posv, potrf, potri, potrs, pstrf, elty, rtyp) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($potrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
-                    Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                    Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                    uplo, n, nrhs, A,
                    lda, B, ldb, info, 1)
@@ -3368,7 +3368,7 @@ for (posv, potrf, potri, potrs, pstrf, elty, rtyp) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($pstrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{$rtyp}, Ptr{$rtyp}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{$rtyp}, Ptr{$rtyp}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), piv, rank, tol, work, info, 1)
             A, piv, rank[1], info[] #Stored in CholeskyPivoted
@@ -3559,7 +3559,7 @@ for (pttrs, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($pttrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$elty},
-                   Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, size(B,2), D, E, B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info, 1)
@@ -3599,7 +3599,7 @@ for (trtri, trtrs, elty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($trtri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                   Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                   uplo, diag, n, A, lda, info, 1, 1)
@@ -3729,7 +3729,7 @@ for (trcon, trevc, trrfs, elty) in
                 (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                 Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                 Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                 side, howmny, select, n,
                 T, ldt, VL, ldvl,
                 VR, ldvr, mm, m,
@@ -3785,7 +3785,7 @@ for (trcon, trevc, trrfs, elty) in
             ccall((@blasfunc($trrfs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                 (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt},
                  Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                 Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
+                 Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
                 uplo, trans, diag, n,
                 nrhs, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), B, max(1,stride(B,2)), X, max(1,stride(X,2)),
                 Ferr, Berr, work, iwork, info, 1, 1, 1)
@@ -3866,7 +3866,7 @@ for (trcon, trevc, trrfs, elty, relty) in
                 (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                 Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                 Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                 side, howmny, select, n,
                 T, ldt, VL, ldvl,
                 VR, ldvr, mm, m,
@@ -3922,7 +3922,7 @@ for (trcon, trevc, trrfs, elty, relty) in
             ccall((@blasfunc($trrfs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                 (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt},
                  Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                 Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
+                 Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
                 uplo, trans, diag, n,
                 nrhs, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), B, max(1,stride(B,2)), X, max(1,stride(X,2)),
                 Ferr, Berr, work, rwork, info, 1, 1, 1)
@@ -3993,7 +3993,7 @@ for (stev, stebz, stegr, stein, elty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($stev), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
-                   Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   job, n, dv, ev, Zmat, n, work, info, 1)
             dv, Zmat
@@ -4026,7 +4026,7 @@ for (stev, stebz, stegr, stein, elty) in
                 Ref{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{$elty},
                 Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                 Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
-                Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                 range, order, n, vl,
                 vu, il, iu, abstol,
                 dv, ev, m, nsplit,
@@ -4220,7 +4220,7 @@ for (syconv, sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($syconv), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                   uplo, 'C', n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, info, 1, 1)
             A, work
@@ -4249,7 +4249,7 @@ for (syconv, sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($sysv), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)),
                       work, lwork, info,  1)
@@ -4283,7 +4283,7 @@ for (syconv, sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($sytrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, A, stride(A,2), ipiv, work, lwork, info, 1)
                 if i == 1
@@ -4319,7 +4319,7 @@ for (syconv, sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty) in
 #             for i in 1:2
 #                 ccall((@blasfunc($sytri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
 #                       (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-#                        Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+#                        Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
 #                       &uplo, &n, A, &max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, &lwork, info, 1)
 #                 @assertargsok
 #                 chknonsingular(info[])
@@ -4347,7 +4347,7 @@ for (syconv, sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($sytri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, info, 1)
@@ -4374,7 +4374,7 @@ for (syconv, sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($sytrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info, 1)
@@ -4410,7 +4410,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, syconvf, elty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($sysv), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)),
                       work, lwork, info, 1)
@@ -4445,7 +4445,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, syconvf, elty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($sytrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, A, stride(A,2), ipiv, work, lwork, info, 1)
                 if i == 1
@@ -4472,7 +4472,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, syconvf, elty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($sytri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, info, 1)
@@ -4499,7 +4499,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, syconvf, elty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($sytrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info, 1)
@@ -4575,7 +4575,7 @@ for (syconv, hesv, hetrf, hetri, hetrs, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($syconv), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                   uplo, 'C', n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, info, 1, 1)
             A, work
@@ -4604,7 +4604,7 @@ for (syconv, hesv, hetrf, hetri, hetrs, elty, relty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($hesv), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)),
                       work, lwork, info, 1)
@@ -4635,7 +4635,7 @@ for (syconv, hesv, hetrf, hetri, hetrs, elty, relty) in
             for i in 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($hetrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, lwork, info, 1)
                 if i == 1
@@ -4672,7 +4672,7 @@ for (syconv, hesv, hetrf, hetri, hetrs, elty, relty) in
 #             for i in 1:2
 #                 ccall((@blasfunc($hetri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
 #                       (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-#                        Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+#                        Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
 #                       &uplo, &n, A, &max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, &lwork, info, 1)
 #                 chklapackerror(info[])
 #                 if lwork < 0
@@ -4701,7 +4701,7 @@ for (syconv, hesv, hetrf, hetri, hetrs, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($hetri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, info, 1)
@@ -4727,7 +4727,7 @@ for (syconv, hesv, hetrf, hetri, hetrs, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($hetrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info, 1)
@@ -4762,7 +4762,7 @@ for (hesv, hetrf, hetri, hetrs, elty, relty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($hesv), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)),
                       work, lwork, info, 1)
@@ -4794,7 +4794,7 @@ for (hesv, hetrf, hetri, hetrs, elty, relty) in
             for i in 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($hetrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, lwork, info, 1)
                 if i == 1
@@ -4822,7 +4822,7 @@ for (hesv, hetrf, hetri, hetrs, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($hetri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, info, 1)
@@ -4848,7 +4848,7 @@ for (hesv, hetrf, hetri, hetrs, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($hetrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info, 1)
@@ -4884,7 +4884,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty, relty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($sysv), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)),
                       work, lwork, info, 1)
@@ -4919,7 +4919,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty, relty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($sytrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, lwork, info, 1)
                 if i == 1
@@ -4956,7 +4956,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty, relty) in
 #             for i in 1:2
 #                 ccall((@blasfunc($sytri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
 #                       (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-#                        Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+#                        Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
 #                       &uplo, &n, A, &max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, &lwork, info, 1)
 #                 chklapackerror(info[])
 #                 if lwork < 0
@@ -4984,7 +4984,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($sytri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, info, 1)
@@ -5010,7 +5010,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($sytrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info,  1)
@@ -5046,7 +5046,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, syconvf, elty, relty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($sysv), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)),
                       work, lwork, info, 1)
@@ -5082,7 +5082,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, syconvf, elty, relty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($sytrf), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                       Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                       uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, lwork, info, 1)
                 if i == 1
@@ -5110,7 +5110,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, syconvf, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($sytri), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, work, info, 1)
@@ -5136,7 +5136,7 @@ for (sysv, sytrf, sytri, sytrs, syconvf, elty, relty) in
             info = Ref{BlasInt}()
             ccall((@blasfunc($sytrs), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   uplo, n, size(B,2), A, max(1,stride(A,2)), ipiv, B, max(1,stride(B,2)), info, 1)
@@ -5350,7 +5350,7 @@ for (syev, syevr, syevd, sygvd, elty) in
             for i = 1:2  # first call returns lwork as work[1]
                 ccall((@blasfunc($syev), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                       (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                      Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                      Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                       jobz, uplo, n, A, max(1,stride(A,2)), W, work, lwork, info, 1, 1)
                 if i == 1
@@ -5408,7 +5408,7 @@ for (syev, syevr, syevd, sygvd, elty) in
                         Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                         Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                         Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                        Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
+                        Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
                     jobz, range, uplo, n,
                     A, max(1,lda), vl, vu,
                     il, iu, abstol, m,
@@ -5455,7 +5455,7 @@ for (syev, syevr, syevd, sygvd, elty) in
                 ccall((@blasfunc($syevd), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                     (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                         Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                        Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                        Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                     jobz, uplo, n, A, max(1,lda),
                     W, work, lwork, iwork, liwork,
                     info, 1, 1)
@@ -5503,7 +5503,7 @@ for (syev, syevr, syevd, sygvd, elty) in
                     (Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt},
                      Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                      Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                     Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                     Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                     itype, jobz, uplo, n,
                     A, lda, B, ldb,
                     w, work, lwork, iwork,
@@ -5667,7 +5667,7 @@ for (syev, syevr, syevd, sygvd, elty, relty) in
                 ccall((@blasfunc($syevd), liblapack), Cvoid,
                     (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                     Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                     jobz, uplo, n, A, stride(A,2),
                     W, work, lwork, rwork, lrwork,
                     iwork, liwork, info, 1, 1)
@@ -5830,7 +5830,7 @@ for (bdsqr, relty, elty) in
                 (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                  Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$elty},
                  Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
-                 Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                 Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                 uplo, n, ncvt, nru,
                 ncc, d, e_, Vt,
                 ldvt, U, ldu, C,
@@ -5954,7 +5954,7 @@ for (gecon, elty) in
             ccall((@blasfunc($gecon), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                    Ref{$elty}, Ref{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   normtype, n, A, lda, anorm, rcond, work, iwork,
                   info, 1)
@@ -5990,7 +5990,7 @@ for (gecon, elty, relty) in
             ccall((@blasfunc($gecon), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                   (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                    Ref{$relty}, Ref{$relty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$relty},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   normtype, n, A, lda, anorm, rcond, work, rwork,
                   info, 1)
@@ -6145,7 +6145,7 @@ for (ormhr, elty) in
                     (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                      Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                      Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
-                     Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                     Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                     side, trans, mC, nC,
                     ilo, ihi, A, max(1, stride(A, 2)),
                     tau, C, max(1, stride(C, 2)), work,
@@ -6292,7 +6292,7 @@ for (hetrd, elty) in
                 ccall((@blasfunc($hetrd), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                     (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                     Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$relty},
-                    Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                    Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                     uplo, n, A, max(1, stride(A, 2)), d, e, tau, work, lwork, info, 1)
                 if i == 1
@@ -6342,7 +6342,7 @@ for (orgtr, elty) in
                 ccall((@blasfunc($orgtr), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                     (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                      Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                     Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                     Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                     uplo, n, A,
                     max(1, stride(A, 2)), tau, work, lwork,
                     info, 1)
@@ -6403,7 +6403,7 @@ for (ormtr, elty) in
                     (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                      Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                      Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
-                     Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
+                     Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
                     side, uplo, trans, mC, nC,
                     A, max(1, stride(A, 2)),
                     tau, C, max(1, stride(C, 2)), work,
@@ -6781,7 +6781,7 @@ for (trexc, trsen, tgsen, elty) in
                   (Ref{UInt8},  Ref{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                    Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   compq, n,
                   T, ldt, Q, ldq,
                   ifst, ilst,
@@ -6827,7 +6827,7 @@ for (trexc, trsen, tgsen, elty) in
                     Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                     Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{$elty}, Ref{$elty},
                     Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                    Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                     job, compq, select, n,
                     T, ldt, Q, ldq,
                     wr, wi, m, s, sep,
@@ -6938,7 +6938,7 @@ for (trexc, trsen, tgsen, elty, relty) in
                   (Ref{UInt8},  Ref{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                    Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong),
+                   Ref{BlasInt}, Clong),
                   compq, n,
                   T, ldt, Q, ldq,
                   ifst, ilst,
@@ -6980,7 +6980,7 @@ for (trexc, trsen, tgsen, elty, relty) in
                     Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
                     Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{$relty}, Ref{$relty},
                     Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                    Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                     job, compq, select, n,
                     T, ldt, Q, ldq,
                     w, m, s, sep,
@@ -7129,7 +7129,7 @@ for (fn, elty, relty) in ((:dtrsyl_, :Float64, :Float64),
             ccall((@blasfunc($fn), libblastrampoline), Cvoid,
                 (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ref{BlasInt},
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ref{BlasInt},
-                 Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
+                 Ptr{$relty}, Ref{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                 transa, transb, isgn, m, n,
                 A, lda, B, ldb, C, ldc,
                 scale, info, 1, 1)