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visualize the transform etc for better understanding
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asinghvi17 committed Jul 21, 2024
1 parent 27a7124 commit 0476e3e
Showing 1 changed file with 33 additions and 26 deletions.
59 changes: 33 additions & 26 deletions docs/src/experiments/spherical_delaunay_stereographic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,51 +65,58 @@ boundary_points = reverse([
triangulation_points = copy(stereographic_points)

boundary_nodes, pts = DelTri.convert_boundary_points_to_indices(boundary_points; existing_points=triangulation_points)
# boundary_nodes, pts = DelTri.convert_boundary_points_to_indices(boundary_points; existing_points=triangulation_points)

triangulation = DelTri.triangulate(pts; boundary_nodes)
# triangulation = DelTri.triangulate(triangulation_points; boundary_nodes)
triangulation = DelTri.triangulate(triangulation_points)
# for diagnostics, try `fig, ax, sc = triplot(triangulation, show_constrained_edges=true, show_convex_hull=true)`

# First, get all the "solid" faces, ie, faces not attached to boundary nodes
faces = map(DelTri.each_solid_triangle(triangulation)) do face_tuple
CairoMakie.GeometryBasics.TriangleFace(map(face_tuple) do i; i in DelTri.get_boundary_nodes(triangulation) ? pivot_ind : i end)
boundary_faces = Iterators.filter(Base.Fix1(DelTri.is_boundary_triangle, triangulation), DelTri.each_solid_triangle(triangulation)) |> collect
faces = map(CairoMakie.GeometryBasics.TriangleFace, DelTri.each_solid_triangle(triangulation))

for ghost_face in DelTri.each_ghost_triangle(triangulation)
push!(faces, CairoMakie.GeometryBasics.TriangleFace(map(ghost_face) do i; i 0 ? pivot_ind : i end))

wireframe(CairoMakie.GeometryBasics.normal_mesh(UnitCartesianFromGeographic().(points), faces))
wireframe(CairoMakie.GeometryBasics.normal_mesh(map(UnitCartesianFromGeographic(), points), faces))

_f, _a, _tri_p = triplot(triangulation; axis = (; type = Axis3));
msh = _tri_p.plots[1].plots[1][1][]
grid_lons = LinRange(-180, 180, 10)
grid_lats = LinRange(-90, 90, 10)
lon_grid = [CairoMakie.GeometryBasics.LineString([Point{2, Float64}((grid_lons[j], -90)), Point{2, Float64}((grid_lons[j], 90))]) for j in 1:10] |> vec
lat_grid = [CairoMakie.GeometryBasics.LineString([Point{2, Float64}((-180, grid_lats[i])), Point{2, Float64}((180, grid_lats[i]))]) for i in 1:10] |> vec

sampled_grid = GO.segmentize(lat_grid; max_distance = 0.01)

geographic_grid = GO.transform(UnitCartesianFromGeographic(), sampled_grid) .|> x -> GI.LineString{true, false}(x.geom)
stereographic_grid = GO.transform(sampled_grid) do point
(StereographicFromCartesian() UnitCartesianFromGeographic())(point)
end .|> x -> GI.LineString{false, false}(x.geom)

msh3d = GeometryBasics.Mesh(Makie.to_ndim(Point3d, GeometryBasics.coordinates(msh), 0), msh.faces)
f, a, p = wireframe(msh3d; axis = (; type = LScene));
p.transformation.transform_func[] = Makie.PointTrans{3}() do point


triangulation.points[1:end-3] .= stereographic_points
triangulation.points[end-2:end] .= (stereographic_points[pivot_ind],)
fig = Figure(); ax = LScene(fig[1, 1])
for (i, line) in enumerate(geographic_grid)
lines!(ax, line; linewidth = 3, color = Makie.resample_cmap(:viridis, length(stereographic_grid))[i])

fig = Figure(); ax = LScene(fig[1, 1])
for (i, line) in enumerate(stereographic_grid)
lines!(ax, line; linewidth = 3, color = Makie.resample_cmap(:viridis, length(stereographic_grid))[i])

f, a, p = triplot(triangulation; axis = (; type = Axis3,));
m = p.plots[1].plots[1][1][]
all(reduce(vcat, faces) |> sort! |> unique! .== 1:length(points))

geo_mesh_points = vcat(points, repeat([pivot_point], 3))
cartesian_mesh_points = UnitCartesianFromGeographic().(geo_mesh_points)
f, a, p = mesh(cartesian_mesh_points, getfield(getfield(m, :simplices), :faces))
CairoMakie.GeometryBasics.Mesh(UnitCartesianFromGeographic().(vcat(points, repeat([pivot_point], 3))), splat(CairoMakie.GeometryBasics.TriangleFace).(collect(triangulation.triangles))) |> wireframe
faces[findall(x -> 1 in x, faces)]

geo_triangulation = deepcopy(triangulation)
geo_triangulation.points .= geo_mesh_points
# try NaturalNeighbours, fail miserably
using NaturalNeighbours

itp = NaturalNeighbours.interpolate(geo_triangulation, last.(geo_mesh_points); derivatives = true)
itp = NaturalNeighbours.interpolate(triangulation, last.(points); derivatives = true)
lons = LinRange(-180, 180, 360)
lats = LinRange(-90, 90, 180)
_x = vec([x for x in lons, _ in lats])
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