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ALlow XDESystems, expand possibilities for LHS of Equation (#7)
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* allow DESystems in processes_to_mtkmodel

* allow Differential and differential*p in LHS of equations as processes

* add changelog entry

* add warning comment

* fix type of vector expansion container

* show that differential can be used in the docs

* add new info to docs

* correct version parse
  • Loading branch information
Datseris authored Mar 31, 2024
1 parent 3580c5f commit f41091a
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Showing 6 changed files with 94 additions and 35 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
# Changelog

ProcessBasedModelling.jl follows semver 2.0.
Changelog is kept with respect to v1 release.
Changelog is kept with respect to v1 release.

## 1.1

- New keyword `warn_default` in `processes_to_mtkmodel`.
- Now `processes_to_mtkmodel` allows for `XDESystems` as elements of the input vector.
- Detection of LHS-variable in `Equation` has been improved significantly.
Now, LHS can be any of: `x`, `Differential(t)(x)`, `Differential(t)(x)*p`, `p*Differential(t)(x)`.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "ProcessBasedModelling"
uuid = "ca969041-2cf3-4b10-bc21-86f4417093eb"
authors = ["Datseris <>"]
version = "1.0.5"
version = "1.1.0"

ModelingToolkit = "961ee093-0014-501f-94e3-6117800e7a78"
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18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -76,22 +76,25 @@ More variables than equations, here are the potential extra variable(s):
The error message is unhelpful as all variables are reported as "potentially missing".
At least on the basis of our scientific reasoning however, both ``x, z`` have an equation.
It is ``y`` that ``x`` introduced that does not have an equation.
Moreover, in our experience these error messages become increasingly less useful when a model has many equations and/or variables, as many variables get cited as "missing" from the variable map even when only one should be.
Moreover, in our experience these error messages become increasingly less accurate or helpful when a model has many equations and/or variables.
This makes it difficult to quickly find out where the "mistake" happened in the equations.

**PBM** resolves these problems and always gives accurate error messages when
it comes to the construction of the system of equations.
This is because on top of the variable map that MTK constructs automatically, **PBM** requires the user to implicitly provide a map of variables to processes that govern said variables. **PBM** creates the map automatically, the only thing the user has to do is to define the equations in terms of what [`processes_to_mtkmodel`](@ref) wants (which are either [`Process`](@ref)es or `Equation`s as above).

For the majority of cases, **PBM** can infer the LHS variable a process "defines" automatically, just by passing in a vector of `Equation`s, like in **MTK**.
For cases where this is not possible a dedicated `Process` type is provided, whose subtypes act as wrappers around equations providing some additional conveniences.

Here is what the user defines to make the same system of equations via **PBM**:

```@example MAIN
using ProcessBasedModelling
processes = [
ExpRelaxation(z, x^2), # introduces x variable
TimeDerivative(x, 0.1*y), # introduces y variable
y ~ z - x, # can be an equation because LHS is single variable
ExpRelaxation(z, x^2), # defines z, introduces x; `Process` subtype (optional)
Differential(t)(x) ~ 0.1*y, # defines x, introduces y; normal `Equation`
y ~ z - x, # defines y; normal `Equation`

Expand All @@ -117,17 +120,20 @@ there is no default process for x(t), and (t)x doesn't have a default value.
Please provide a process for variable x(t).

If instead we "forgot" the ``y`` process, **PBM** will not error, but warn, and make ``y`` equal to a named parameter, since ``y`` has a default value:
If instead we "forgot" the ``y`` process, **PBM** will not error, but warn, and make ``y`` equal to a named parameter, since ``y`` has a default value.
So, running:
```@example MAIN
model = processes_to_mtkmodel(processes[1:2])

Makes the named parameter:

```@example MAIN

and the warning thrown was:
and throws the warning:
┌ Warning: Variable y(t) was introduced in process of variable x(t).
│ However, a process for y(t) was not provided,
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40 changes: 28 additions & 12 deletions src/API.jl
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Expand Up @@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ timescale(::Process) = NoTimeDerivative()

Return the left-hand-side of the equation that `p` represents as an `Expression`.
Return the right-hand-side of the equation governing the process.
If `timescale` is implemented for `p`, typically `lhs` does not need to be as well.
See [`Process`](@ref) for more.
Expand All @@ -70,24 +71,39 @@ function lhs(p::Process)

Return the right-hand-side of the equation that `p` represents as an `Expression`.
See [`Process`](@ref) for more.
Return the right-hand-side of the equation governing the process.
function rhs(p::Process)
error("Right-hand side (`rhs`) is not defined for process $(nameof(typeof(p))).")

# Extensions for `Equation`:
rhs(e::Equation) = e.rhs
lhs(e::Equation) = lhs_variable(e)
function lhs_variable(e::Equation)
x = e.lhs
# we first check whether `x` is a variable
if !is_variable(x)
throw(ArgumentError("In given equation $(e), the left-hand-side does "*
"not represent a single variable."))
lhs(e::Equation) = e.lhs
lhs_variable(e::Equation) = lhs_variable(lhs(e))
lhs_variable(x::Num) = Num(lhs_variable(x.val))
function lhs_variable(x) # basically x is SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}
# check whether `x` is a single variable already
if is_variable(x)
return x
# check Differential(t)(x)
if hasproperty(x, :f)
if x.f isa Differential
return x.arguments[1]
# check Differential(t)(x)*parameter
if hasproperty(x, :arguments)
args = x.arguments
di = findfirst(a -> hasproperty(a, :f) && a.f isa Differential, args)
if !isnothing(di)
return args[di].arguments[1]
return x
# error if all failed
throw(ArgumentError("We analyzed the LHS `$(x)` "*
"but could not extract a single variable it represents."))
43 changes: 28 additions & 15 deletions src/make.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,15 +6,22 @@ The model/system is _not_ structurally simplified.
`processes` is a vector whose elements can be:
- Any instance of a subtype of [`Process`](@ref).
- An `Equation` which is of the form `variable ~ expression` with `variable` a single
variable resulting from an `@variables` call.
- A vector of the above two, which is then expanded. This allows the convenience of
functions representing a physical process that may require many equations to be defined.
1. Any instance of a subtype of [`Process`](@ref). `Process` is a
wrapper around `Equation` that provides some conveniences, e.g., handling of timescales
or not having limitations on the left-hand-side (LHS) form.
1. An `Equation`. The LHS format of the equation is limited.
Let `x` be a `@variable` and `p` be a `@parameter`. Then, the LHS can only be one of:
`x`, `Differential(t)(x)`, `Differential(t)(x)*p`, `p*Differential(t)(x)`.
Anything else will either error or fail unexpectedly.
2. A vector of the above two, which is then expanded. This allows the convenience of
functions representing a physical process that may require many equations to be defined.
3. A ModelingToolkit.jl `XDESystem`, in which case the `equations` of the system are expanded
as if they were given as a vector of equations like above. This allows the convenience
of straightforwardly coupling already existing systems.
`default` is a vector that can contain the first two possibilities only
as it contains default processes that may be assigned to variables introduced in `processes`
but they don't themselves have an assigned process.
as it contains default processes that may be assigned to individual variables introduced in
`processes` but they don't themselves have an assigned process.
It is expected that downstream packages that use ProcessBasedModelling.jl to make a
field-specific library implement a 1-argument version of `processes_to_mtkmodel`,
Expand All @@ -26,10 +33,10 @@ or provide a wrapper function for it, and add a default value for `default`.
- `name = nameof(type)`: the name of the model
- `independent = t`: the independent variable (default: `@variables t`).
`t` is also exported by ProcessBasedModelling.jl for convenience.
- `warn_defaut::Bool = true`: if `true`, throw a warning when a variable does not
- `warn_default::Bool = true`: if `true`, throw a warning when a variable does not
have an assigned process but it has a default value so that it becomes a parameter instead.
function processes_to_mtkmodel(_processes, _default = [];
function processes_to_mtkmodel(_processes::Vector, _default = [];
type = ODESystem, name = nameof(type), independent = t, warn_default::Bool = true,
processes = expand_multi_processes(_processes)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,19 +93,25 @@ function processes_to_mtkmodel(_processes, _default = [];
# return eqs
sys = type(eqs, independent; name)
return sys

function expand_multi_processes(procs::Vector)
etypes = Union{Vector, ODESystem, SDESystem, PDESystem}
!any(p -> p isa etypes, procs) && return procs
# Expand vectors of processes or ODESystems
!any(p -> p isa Vector, procs) && return procs
expanded = deepcopy(procs)
idxs = findall(p -> p isa Vector, procs)
expanded = Any[procs...]
idxs = findall(p -> p isa etypes, procs)
multiprocs = expanded[idxs]
deleteat!(expanded, idxs)
for mp in multiprocs
append!(expanded, mp)
if mp isa Vector
append!(expanded, mp)
else # then it is XDE system
append!(expanded, equations(mp))
return expanded
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,8 +157,8 @@ function nonunique(x::AbstractArray{T}) where T
duplicatedset = Set{T}()
duplicatedvector = Vector{T}()
for i in x
if(i in uniqueset)
if !(i in duplicatedset)
if i uniqueset
if !(i duplicatedset)
push!(duplicatedset, i)
push!(duplicatedvector, i)
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -191,4 +191,21 @@ end
@testset "addition process error" begin
@variables x(t) y(t) z(t)
@test_throws ArgumentError AdditionProcess(x ~ 0.1z, y ~ x^2)

@testset "ODESystem as process" begin
@variables z(t) = 0.0
@variables x(t) = 0.0
@variables y(t) = 0.0
@variables w(t) = 0.0
procs = [
ExpRelaxation(z, x^2, 1.0), # introduces x and y variables
TimeDerivative(x, 0.1*y), # introduces y variable!
y ~ z-x, # is an equation, not a process!

sys = processes_to_mtkmodel(procs)
sys2 = processes_to_mtkmodel([sys, w ~ x*y])
@test length(equations(sys2)) == 4
@test sort(ModelingToolkit.getname.(unknowns(sys2))) == [:w, :x, :y, :z]

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